freati[ g f the 41 eiions. 'erredmakes the heart ficke , Prove I3. 12. Thou faycft thouart affecîcd with hopes after grace, thouhopeft for grace,and for ftrength againft fin,aud thy hope is deferred, thy hopecomes not yet , thouart not able to withftand thy corruptions, not able tofubdue filcha luft ; uo if thou beeft affeçtedat all with any thou hope, eve lick a hope eart for this grace ? : but hath it made yet Tic have not made jthy heart fick, it's a fign thouwert never rightly affected with hope, for if thouwere , it would -*make thyheart fickto be taking_without it, as thou haft been. Maybe thine -'; affectionsare foalong let on the world , that thou haft been world-fick, ä,hd croffe-fick, and trouble-fick, and anger-tick , and reveng-licTk, and eovetoufnefle -fick; asAhab was lick , becaufe he knew not how to get Na- baths vineyard, 1 Kings 21.4. May be thou art croft , and tick of vexation; may be thouart incenfed,and tickofrevenge or impatiency:but artthou tick Ariíl. after grace ?. Aritarle calls the affections vfgritudines animi,they are the tick- * neffes of the foul ; it,_the.f:oul be affcacd indeed, the is fick if the fpced nor. 4 Fòtirthlyy, He- that istruly affecedwith grace , hath his converfation inhal- ite barb big ven, whence. 411grace does defcend, Animus eft non ubianimal, fed ubi amat , the a °nverfarï°" in'ffoul is, not where it animates, not where it fojourns, but where it affects;and heaven whence. gracedefeends. therefore thou liveft in heavciì,if thou beeft truly affected with heavenly things:: lie that is truly affected with grace,is molt affectedwith the fountain ofgrace; which is7God. God is the fountain of all grace, and if thoubeeft af- .fected With it, thou art chieflyaffe&ed with God. Alas l thou mayeft have a goodridemory,a goodwit, and good parts,and be affected with them , and reioyce thatthouhaft them.Bur all the queflion is this,art thouaffected with God the fountain of grace ? a wickedman may be affected with grace in the buçket,and yet have no love to grace in the fountain : it affects himwell enough tó have for= , butit does not fo like it to havemuch. Omne nimium :;rrertirur lri nigrummonach em, thinks he. It's the property of the godly to be 'affected. with God; Rejoyce in theLordOye righteous, Pfal.3 3.r . Be yeaffected with Gdd4iimfelf,fayes the Pfalmift. One,he is affected with plcafures,ano. thcr,,a.ffected with h®pour and refpect, another, he is afleaed withpro- fit, another, he may be affe&ed with grace too, but it is the godlymap only e that is affected with God hirnfelf. Examineyour affections, are ye affected with 4od. himfelf ? areye affected with his glory ? Itdoes infinitelyftand us in hand, to have our affections fct right ; which I will prove by thefe eight arguments. Firf};'h,ereby only are we marriageable to Chri.fl , Whena mangoes a Hereby only are wooeing for a wife, all his care is to get her affections , heel never marry we marriagea- her if he be wife, if he maynot have her affection, 9ñ iyfoeorTn "s 4Vxis tin ble d thrift. a ßá9°s, (ayes Phila. The affe&ions are the womanhood of the foul,hee'l nere Abel. ell. Cain. marry, her, if the benot a woman for him, much fefle will he marry her, if thebenot a woman at all, he will not have a man for his wife , the (hall bea woman certainly, ifhe ever mean for to marry her; the is not marriageable, but only for her affection; what a miferablefoul then is thy foul, ifthy aftc- :,; &ions be notright ? thou artnot marriageable to Guilt. This is the ruleof all wives, and ofall Spoufes, thy de f re (hail be to thyhusband, Gen. 3. i 6. Thine affections Iball be to him , Or thou canft not be his wife. He is a monfter in naturethat will have a wife, whole affection is fet on another. What,doeft thou take Chrift for a monfter, that thyfoul fhould bemarried to him,when thine affection is foreftalled ? If thine affections be to the world, and to the ftrumpet-like things of the world,Chrift cannot abide thee. knowefl thou not that the love of the worldisenmity with God? Out thou filthy Itrumpet-like foul, betrotheft thou thine affections to the world, and yet hopcft to bemarried to Chrift? thouart not marriageable tohim, ifgains and plealures and va- nities,and fuch like baieparamours be welcomed to thyheart,thou canft not be _:i.:,ry..., ..... _...