. ÿAxYÑ,p.I`'+riÉ;'e5ì ra.-nd-.9rra+!, '{;.< . :!.° .. T® the Reader'. OdmadeMan (ar a.'1 tlsin4s elfe) for biraefelfe, Godsglary u the endfar girds *Maws made ; shefruition ofGod it the lia peine 'fe to Auch he ruai appoitr ed ;thathemizht be fnbfervient to this end, ami ibtaine this happineje, he beJlo - ed on h:, a re8e- n4blefoxle con;sltng of au:, nndcr;(hhndiv and a +ill,that by the one he might contemplate and 6 holdthe bea:ttyofthe Lord,_by the otl:sr be might emsbrace him. The tsnderjland:g as the eye of the f the to dtfcerne :nob , the mill as the f et of th/e foulest, carry it togood. The :in?:ri'1444s'; (!hasisb fm-nifbed ;v;th *client &noreledge to tí_i.ngs n ztA- ral) u+44 chieflrenriched with the knowleid e i of Gott thefir i truth : the will i then,q,h l.,t out to the dareofd..end tiara-rill!) wou ernecialy cnamo- redwith o4 the chiefes á,od ; and wíulf tbef faculties continued in tholepofluresman cont.ixreed rn the happy 4nd holy condition ofhie priinzve" ereatten; the corruptionandmiler/ of thefettle is the averfni ofthefefacultiesfrom this objet 2 the , comaptien of the ssnderflanding the Ignorance. of god; the corruption of the will, the abhorring of God; man lollnot his faculties by his fali,but their .integrity; bee bath an sssrd-rgandiná ¡1:11. but is regardofheavenly things blinde andv.siniixickt' !shed inether things , hee bath a will pia; bit ,twirl from God, and pteriru:,g with ec coet