Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.A1 F37 1657

6.z Treati(e of the Af eE/ionf. neft , our defire of him isearneff, our joy in him is earnest, our indignation a ainfi what ever may dithonour himor diflike him, is earneft : when we think nothing too good , nothing toodear, nothing too much to beftow upon him. Amanmay love God in a lake-warm meafure, hate fin in a luke- warmemeafure, grieve for hiscorruptions , desire faith and repentance, delight in good duties, pity the miseries ofothers , fear to tranfgrefre Gods Commandment, a man may have all theseaffeaions thus in a luke-warm .meafure : as this is difpleafing to God , fo it is not zeale. Zeale is a high meafure, the highcft ftraine ofall the affeaions. Thirdly 5 as zeale is the highcff meafure ofall the affections, fo it is with- ] all the might of the foule. For when a man does zealoufly affect any thing, his W t all the affection is mighty upon it. Thou lhalt love the Lord thy od with all thy might the heart and with ll thy oul and with all thymi hr Deut.6, that is, tho f; :te. , Y.Î , Y g 5. , (hilt lovehim zealoufly. Ntmrod was amighty hunter, Gen, i o. 9. that is , he was zealous at his hunting. Woe unto them that are amighty to drinkWine, that is, thatare greedy and zealous in the purftiit of their appe- tite is that kinde. Daviddanced before the Lordwith alibismight, z Sam.6. 14. that is, he did it zealoufly. Zeale is, when the heart raifes up its affc&i- ons with all its might on a thing. And therefore luke-warmneffè is called negligence in the Scripture : Cursed is he that Both the work of the Lord fdr,ifzi[y, As he that fights negligently , fhewes not all his might inhis fighting, fo he thatgoes about any duty of Gods fervice negligently , his heart does not thew all its might in it. It puts not forth all the mightof its affe&ions'ttton it. Lukewarnnneflè then is thenegligence of the affeaion, aiid cur fed I's the ma ì that does the workof the Lordnegligently , fayes the Text. But kale is themight of theaffeaion. 4 Fourthl7, as zeale is with all the might,fo it is! theputting forth ofallthe afire: 7bequttíng (ions. When the heart affects a thing,andputs forth all its affectionsupon ir, forth ofaft the referving nopart of its affeaions for any thing else this we call zeale. Herod cffelEion. affeaedthepraching ofJohn, but he did notaffe& it zealously, , he did nor put forth all hisaffection upon it, he referved amain part of his affeaion for his pleasure. And therefore he was not zealous inhearing. Hence it is that the Scripturecalls lake- warmneJfe deceafulneffe, as Divines doobfèrve ; Curled ' is the deceiver, Mal. T. I4. thatis,curfed is the luke-warm person that of- feisG7Ilefle then hebath; offersfomewhar, and referees back fomewhar, that puts not forth all his affections upon God and his Service. Zeale is the putting forth ofall theaffection. As when the heart atfe&s God, and af- feas nothing in competition with him , this is to be zealoufly affeaed to- wards God. When the 'ewes had crucified Chrift , and perfecuted Paul, and forbidden him to preach; the Text fayes, the wrath of God was come upon them to the turnoff, i 7hef..2. 16. That is, the zeale of Gods fury , and anger and vengeance was on them . He kept nothing back; hewas not an- gry a little, nor wroth a little, but he put forth the affection of his wrath to the utmoft upon them. So when the heart puts forth the utmoff of its love upon God, and the utmoff of its delights upon his Word , and the utmoff of its fear onhis name , and the utmoft of it's affection onhis Commande- merits, then it is zealous; But if he keeps back ought to bestow it elsewhere, itsadeceiver and a luke-warm heart. S. Fifchly,as zcale is the putting forthof all the affeaion, fo it is upon a thing Vpon a, thing which the heart does abfolutely affet7. A man may affect a thing , when he that the heart does not ,affea it abfolutely. He affects such or fuch a thing, but he affects does abfAtety it no áfolurely. He affects it perhaps with a degree of affection , as farre as twelve pencewill go, he placesmay be a groats worthofaffection upon a -dtüre of paper. Ifbe beaikt five poundsof flyer for squire ofpaper, he does not affect it at t àtrate, and therefore he does not affea it abfolutely. Bumf aman