Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

. ./ . ' 78 Wilfull ;Impenite11C, . , , bu~ thefe thoughts came to nothingbuta Gal~ :z.stUY\;~'·''' lows and·a Halter. Jjhbibenos thought, but you know what his thoughts did come unto ; it fell f9wl on his owq heacL; ~. nothing is m9re ' vain than the thoug~ts of carnal mens hearts; {o thou think.fft tho~ df,jireft' alas thy thought u h;~t vanity. · - / · ' -. Secondly, thou haft ign~rAnt defires, thou dofi defire t,o be one of Gods Saints ; thou de... fireD: it ignorantly; for when thou comefr to fee.who the Saints be, namely, f1;1ch and_ fuch whom t~ou conceivefl: to be Jtrange people and Puntans , then thou haft no defire to be one. Thou defirefl: to goafterCh·rift, thoti'dofi ignorantly deftre it, for when thou {eeft thou muft taks up huCrofs, then thou haft no de.fire thereunto ; as the Prophet fpeaks of Chrifl: · iQ. the perfon of the wicked, when we fha.ll· fee him, ther.e u ,Jo be~tMt} ·that we'jhould defire him, Efay 53. 2. thou de£ireft with ignorant ·defire before thou feeG: who he is; but when thou feeft who he is, thou doft not defire hiin. / Thou defirefi his grace, thoudeftreft to believe and repent, 1tnd toput up injuries, t~efe are ignorant defires before-thou feefl: what they · be ; but ·when thou feefl: what they be, what: j die injury is that thou fu.ouldfr put up, then !hOU4ofi not defire tD put it Up ; What the jin ts that thou ~ouldfi leave, then thoudofinot ~efire fot ~o leave it ; when thou feefi: them, then thou 'dofi not defire them. When we ~all fee him; there is no beauty that we fooNla #eftre hirtJ~ · .. Thirdly~ -thou_· lta!l: wandering defires~ Oh ' · Wili. I ' :-. •