Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

Wilfullimpen-itencJ. you,this offer were no.t feriou,s,l;>ecaufe the dead carkaffe i~ ·not able to fiir , but is fenfeleff~. True , inmatterofconverjion itfelf, 11- mlt1f is 41 aead tU'a carcaj[e. N~flertheleffe he is not abfo· lJ!tely a dead ca.rcllJJe to ~t.ll ufe of the means; he liath the life of nature, . and reafon, ·and o( fenfe, and t~erefore when Godoffers his King~ dom in the means, this offer is [erious. Turn you ~et my reptFJof, b.ehola I _wilt pour out r»J Spirit -untayo;~, Pr<W. 1. 23. ~e fpeaks.there evenof Repro9~tes ~nd all ., and he .fertoufiy· offers th~m. his fpirit, and therefore t~ey might have gone ahour the means,- but theyw9uld :1ot; vocatirJ dei eft feria, as our Divines .do all fay,. and therefore the means heappointeth may be ufed. s; .Argu• . Fifthly, becaufe Gods reproofs Are 't!try equal; ihould a n1an reprovea criple for not running, this reproof were not ·equal , becaufe be ·is not able to do ·it. I grant when Gods reproovs, ~he wicked for beiHg finful, fuch reproofs tlre .all tqual ·; .th?ugh they be ~ot · ~able to be with– out fin- .: but then equahty ts grounded up-– on fomething before, namely upon their vo· lsmtary apoff"tcy and inAbility in Adam~· But when God re.proves them for not fetcing about the mean_s, his .reproofs. then are very equal, and the equality is groundt!d upon their wil– f;;/ne{[e prefent; ,will ye not fear me? fayes · God ; I do this and this ; mark his reproof is_very~qual. God re_proves I[r~tel for not obfer: vr.ng hi& Statute.s, faytng, the -StAtutes of Omrt>_ etre k.!pt. Mf:tr. 6. 16. You can obfervc·his fl:a~ tutes., why cannot you !et about mine? he fets ....