Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

64. lilfttli' Itupenitency Note. life. For inftru- &ion. Thou canft never he hum- bled unleffe thou believe this truth. t Excufe. Now follows Application. Learne inftrudtion then, leali ye perifh wilfully; re- forme as mach as you may, downe with all your difor ders, humbling blockrs of iniquities, and all the idols of your hearts, and call them into the brook Kidron. Set up good courfes as much as you may , ufe all the manes to falvation as humbly as you may ; let not any family be without the due woríhip of God in it. Fathers, fuller not finne on your children , nor Mailers on your fer- vants ; lie not, fweare no covet not, omit not the exer- cifes of hope , left ye juflly, inexcufably, unavoydably, pittilefly perifh, and fo reproach your own willsfor ever in Tophet; as Dauid then laid unto Solomon, after he had let him bufineffes to doe, arife therefore and be doing, and the Lord be with thee, (ayes he, a Chron.22. r 6 So I may fay to you, arife and be doing ; up, fet about it,ufe no excu- fes, humble your felves before God, fee your mifery and bewayle it, and the Lord be with you. BUt maybe you will fay, this Doarine is Pelagia aai!me, or Arminiar<ifine, at leall. Nay then, let me tell you its Arminianifmc to hold the contrary.7oumake yrur wills to be your own,andfreefor to will,that fig your wil is to repent, but you cannot. And if God fhould give you a p fir, yr profefle your felves to be of the Pelagian berefie, ifi God fhould give you a power , you would adde the will. " o paffe over this,and fo to goe on. Except the beliefe of this truth doe Fnke into thy heart, thou canil never foundly be humbled ; if thou fhouldit fay,Lord I would faine have repented all this while , but I could not, thou never foundly wert hum- bled : a man is never humbled as long as be excufes hìmfelfe; thou fayefi, I would be holier, I would pray better, and I would reforme more, but !cannot ; this is to fall to excufes, and not to be bumbled; For, Fir(t, thou excufeft thy felfe for all tranf refjians beftdes origi-