Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

I4'il fu Il Iznp ete iteney to winne it; fo ye bring an evil! report upon the Ilea v;nly Canaan,the deft; is too firong,the divelltoo strong temptations too ftrong, and its impofiibletograpple with them all, we are not able to get ma(tery. I fay this brings up an evill-report on Religion, yedifcctrrage one another. I cannot get quickning, and I cannot deny my self¢. Yee bring up an evill report upon the duties,and ye a, e guilty of the evill report that goes up and down. Thirdly, this fame pleading is a murmuring against G.,d. q.d. rely oer God giveme fuck Comntandemenu, that I cannot obf>ve? Why does he-charge me to root out a lull that I cannot root out ? this is to murmur againft God. Like thofe murmuring Difeipler in the Gofpetl,when they were told they mutt feed upon Chrift, and as the body feeds upon meate,foyaer foules muff feede upon Chri ff, this is a hard laying, who can heare it fay they? Chrift confirued this speech to be murmuring, Joh 6.6o,6 t. We cannot doe this, and this is fo hard we are not able to do it. The Text layes it was murmuring , when Jefur knew in bimfelfe that his Difccipleo murmured at it that pleading of a cannot mat a murmuring. So when thou grumbleft on thismannerI cannot walke thus, I cannot believe thus, &c, this is to murmur against God, nay this will bring thee to eflpofiacy at laft, if thou fuffer thy heart to plead thus. May be now thou art a forward` profefTor , yet beeft thou never fo forward and favoureft any luft, and I cannot give it over, I cannot roote it out, &c. I fay this will breake thy neck at the last, if thou doll ot looke to ic. So it was with thofe forenamed Disciples, they were very forward Profef¡ors, for they were the Disciples of Ghrift fayec the Text ; yet thofe Difciples, they went away backand walked no more with CbrifI , verf.66. their plea- ding of their cannots,drove them to Apoílacy;they went away back. So thou wilt goe away back, and fall into Apoftaey if thou fuffer thy heart to ftand pleading oDean, n. tr in this manner. Fourthly, this is the fawfieff excufi of alexcufes, many ¡inners