Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

04 t+ , 44v44er0er.044sa44$44 M NNNNNNNNNNNN To the Chriílian Reader. ' Mlle veri T was the faying of Solon , That there Were scr iptusar many good Lames made, but there wanted one legit qui Law to make us put all thofe Lames in excels- verba ver- tion : * The like may be faid concerning the titin apera. Books that are written now adayes, There are t 'Er d?- mo manygood books written, but there wanteth Cdr one book, to make us put thofe good books in tee' ¿pe_ prat-lice. Such a bookWere worth'Writing,.and worth reading. vi 'ci. And 1 know no reafon but that this boob (if the s`ÿirit of god ,bbóa7u ei- write it in our hearts) may have this happy effetl : For it t a book rx"er, á fa- that will teach us how to get into the Hate of grace, and how to candis ont- get and keep a good Confcience. And who'oever readeth a book nibus mor. with a good confience, will make a confcience of what he readeth : b For a good conc ience is, a- sAriltotlefaithof Inflict, a'aSynopfts Qa n7srór and Epitome of all venues : It is a 6 'Panacea to cure all foisi-di- a ¿ t1àr' fèáfes : It ù o a medicine to digefl all book furfetting, bone cow There are foure forts of Confciences : Some bad and unquiet, /6e/26'01'2- farne bad and quiet, foure goad and unquiet, fame good an quiet. an (arum, For a confcience to be bad and quiet is the worfl temper that can gaudiurn be : Better have a bad unquiet then a bad and quiet confcience : anrelnrum better have a tormenting Tophet in the foul then afools Paradife: bortnadeli. The heft frame of Cocfcience is thegoodand quiet con /ciente :This eta %x, agar is ad `faradfe ripen earth,e a preg4dtion andpreltbation of hea- l'ened,Et n. ton for the Trinitie to wen . Now this en/o tae tern,[; ven, a man f d ell i in f f g Snlrmnni3 , ereatifewill teach sus how to purchafe this precious jewel ofa good aide and quiet confcience. A treatife very nece f far? in thefe unconfcio- ba %,iracret e cable dayes, wherein moll peopleFinake no confcience to fine a aainfl s.s. Bern. ping confcience ;and foure have finned fo long agaìnfl confiance as that e Ttorg no - they iiuriï.