Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

The Contents, Çt. To approve: z. Toabfolve. t, It its Office is, 3- To mi11 ke 2, 3. To condemne. t. Tender. ibid 2.;Its Aftéftions: z. S leepie. Seared. Benumbed. 8 r is either 3 ibid From all there proceed two other Adjunfts. I. A quiet Confcience : concerning which is confidered, 63 h What it is. z. How that in the godly differeth from that in the wicked. 65 3 ,How to know whether we have it or no. 7 z Where is handled.. 76 Whether a Child cf God may fear death, and how farce.' Whether a wicked man may be defircus todie, and in what cafes. 79 The great benefit of peace ofConfcience. What it is, and the eau des of it. 8 5 11. An unquiet The degrees ofit. conference difference of it in the godly &in the wicked.l0000 How a man may keep peace,of Confcience. Iro How it dependeth upon obedience. What manner of obedience that iswhich peace ofConfcience depend- s eth upon? What a man muft do to be freed from a burdened and troubled i con- fcience: As Confcience be arethwitneffe of our a aions fo ofour`perfons. II8 It can and doth informe every man what efiate he is in I id How it doth this. 123 When it Both this. Why many nevertheleffe are deluded about theircftare. s 36 What a good Confcience foundly renewed is. Whata weak and infirm g d po p in 134 rtt The bond ofConfcience is the law of God. 139 x, The primarie and fuprerne, is Gods word. 141 Gods law bindeth the confcienceeof the regenerate. 148 2. The Secondary others, or' 153 and relative, our felves 1 Others may bind our confciences, asMagiftrates, Superiours 5 =bid how farce. 2.We may bind our own cónfciences by lawfull vows and promifes abjd What vows are unla wfull and not binding. j Of the vow made to God in f3aptifine, how great it is , and how much to Il be regarded. 164 55 56 57 6o