Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

A Treatire of ConJcience. 1 37, aright in matters both concerning our generali and particular calling, both towards God and towards man, and this i !light- ned confcience is a great biding of God : r. Becaufe it is the proper effect of the law ofGod : a.Becaufe it is a very great ad- vantage to a man in the 'whole courfe of his life when a mans confcience is illightned to direct him in every cafe what he is CO do. If an illightned confcience be fo great a bleflìng, then be V fe I, thankfull to God for it if ye have it, and ufe it as a blefling. Some have it, and ufe it not as a blefling the Devils have it as a curie ; many wicked men have it as a curie : It maketh their finnes the greater. Like as a colour, the more light fhineth up- on it the greater it is green is more green, and white is more white , and red more red, &c. So it is with fanne ; the more light thy confcience bath, the greater is thy finne; thy drunken - neffe is more heinous, and thy fwearing and the like by how much committed again& more light. Oh therefore make nie of the light of thy confcience as `David did : Thy Word is a Lamp cinto my feet, and a light Canto my paths. What followeth ? I Pfal. 1=9. have (worn, and I will perform it, to keep thy righteous judge- 105. menu. Mark,when his confcience was illightned,he bound him- felf ro follow the direct ionsthereof. 2. Is an illightned confcience filch a bleffing ? O labour to get it; be not without it for a world. Thou wert better walk 7Jfe 2. blindfold over narrow bridges and planks, better walk in the dark through a place full of downfals and marl -pits, then walk without a confcience illightned. lie who walketh in the dark, knoweth refit whether hegoeth,John 12. 3 5. O labour therefore to get a confcience illightned. It is true, a man may have an il- lightned confcience and yet go to hell : but this is molt certain, without an illightned conscience a man cannot go to heaven. And if thy confcience be fomething illightned, yet labour for more light. It will prevent many a ftumble,fave thee from ma- ny a knock. Thou knowea not what cafe thou may& be in, what difficult firaits thou maya be put unto ; if thon haft not light in thy confcience to dire& thee, what wilt thou do ? 11.An