Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

,A rreatife ofConfcience. caufe againit the houle of Ahab and the Priells of Baal ; but it filtered him to maintain the high places which jeroboam had let up. Thus Gamaliel's conscience made him fpeak well for 'Paul, and yet continue (it feemeth) in much other evil(. This confcience will retrain from great flaring fames, or from fuch as the man hath no natural propenfity unto : but others which feeme of a lower nature, or which are fuitable to a mans par- ticular delires, there confcience will (wallow without remorfè. As civil people, that cannot (wallow down couzenage and in- ju[tice, and yet negle& of prayer and other religious duties ne- ver troubleth them. And lb fome profeflours, who cannot o- mit hearing sermons and talking of Religion, and yet, can reft without the power thereof. 3. It is remiffe; that is, though it doth counfel and dire &, yet it Both it with fuch coldnefle and remifleneffe, that it is ea- fily anfwered and put off. Thus it was with 'David. It cannot be thought but his confcience Paid, Plot not against Vriah's life: but he would; and fo confcience let him do it. This confcience will be anfwered with every flight and idle excufe : As when confcience telleth one, Tour wayes are not good: I Wifb you to re- pent, and make your peace with Cod ; it may be the man an- fwereth, Tea, fo I mean to do; but I cannot yet intend it : when I have did,atch fach and fach bafinef'e then I will do it, If confci- ence (peak again, Yea, but you were bell to do it now; True,faith he, l know it, I know it. If god would give me repentance I would repent : It às his gift ; of my fell I cannot do it. Or when it telleth him of family duties, it may be he anfwereth , I have no leafure; fo long ao I go to God by my Pelf, I hope it will ferve tarn. Or when it telleth him of his wickednefle, it may be he anfwereth, Many norfe then I have found mercy; and I hope fo fhal I. This is the confcience that letteth a mans heart fay, I (hall have peace. Now confcience being remiffe and cold, it is eafily put off and anfwered with thefe idle and foolifh excu. les, or with fome other pretenfes like thefe, and fo letteth the man go and live as before. This confcience is like Eli, which Paid, Ye do not well,my formes, but exercifed no feverity to caufe them to do otherwife. H 2 By 3itis re- mitre. Deut. 29, 19.