Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

62 Vfe. A 7 reatife o f Confcience. a, In obftinate (inners, fuch as, like Ahab, have fold themfelves to -works wickeclneffe in the fig-ht of the Lord. 3. In (coffers and jeerers ; who fpeakZe evil ofthem who runne not in the fame ex- ceffe of riot with themfelves, and nickname the godly. 4. In Apoflates and back- fliders ; who fpea!¿e lies "through hypocrif:e,' and have fallen from the profeflìon of the truth : All thefe men have a confcience feared with a red-hot iron. This is a great !, judgment of God greater then this there cnäot beNo outward judgment that can fall upon us is like unto it : not the plague, nor flume, nor l eggery, no nor any curfe betides hell it felfe is equal to it. By this the only means under God of repentance is taken away. Such may come to repent ; but it is a thoufand to one if ever they do. It is like a graveftone lying upon their confciences, which keepeth them under until the day of juïlg- ment : at which time God will awaken their confciences, and then they will be more furious in tormenting then the very de. vils themfelves. Ye that are not yet fallen upon this wretched confcience, I befeech you take heed that ye never do. But ye will ask me, How may We avoid it ? Avoid it ? alas, ye may avoid it if ye be careful] : for confcience never feareth it felfe : If ever it be feared, it is ye your (elves that do fear it. Indeed the mind of man may blind its own Pelf ; and the heart of man may corrupt its own Jeff ; and the affeetions of man may defile their own (elves : but confcience never corrupteth its felf, never feareth it felf. But you will fay, what mull. I do to avoid this fearing of confcience ? Firft, liften to confcience well, that what ever it faith to thee from God thou maift do it. This was the courfe of the Pfalmift ; t will harken what the Lord God Will fay in me (fo Some tranflate it.) Hear then and liften what the Lord God will fay in thee, what thy confcience illightened faith in thee, and do it. Secondly, when ever this confcience is quick follow it. No- thing more feareth confcience then fuflering quicknings to die. Blow the coles if they do but fmoak. As the Apoftle faith, -wench