Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

A Treats e of Conif cience. 73 ed do) yet they do not confider that forrow which one day willburft in upon them and fnck them utterly : Let us trie then our peace by thefe notes. I. If the quiet of our confciences be good, it is Inch as we have carefully fought for at the mercies of God in the blood of Jefus Chrift, when being pinched with the burden of our Pinnes we did fly to the promìfes of God to Peek comfort, to the bloud of Chrift, to find eafe and to get affurance of Gods favour. If our peace come not this way, it is naught, and we were better to be without it then have ir. It may be we fpeak peace to our felves; but cloth the Lord (peak peace to our confciences ? I will hear what the Lord will [peak) for he fball (peak peace to his people, and to his Saints : but let them not turn again to folly ( for that will break all their peace.) O gò tó God then, and hear whether he fpeaketh peace to your con- fciences ; whether it be god in Chrifi reconciling the world to himfelfe that fpeaketh it to you. It is not trite peace without we have fought for it at the throne of grace,withouc it be peace of Gods making. Now the.Lord fpeaketh peace to his people who came to him for peace three wages, i, He fpeaketh peace to them by his word. This fpeaking is thus ; When the word promifeth peace to thofe who walk by fuch a rule, and they walk by that rule, then G9gls word fpeaketh peace to their fouls. The rule is Pet down Gal. 6. a 5. In Chrill 7efus neither circumcifon availeth any thing nor uncircumcifion, but. a nett creature : and then folioweth, e.,gs many as wall according to this rule, peace be upon them. z. God fpeaketh peace to his people jn their confciences. this fpeaking is thus; When the conici- ence can fay,/ am in Chriff, I am engraf ed into C'hrifl, then the Lord fpeaketh peace by the confcience, peace be with you all that are in Chrifl7efu: fo alto when the conscience can fay, I hunger after righteoufneffe, I truly mourn for finne,. I defre in all my way es to pleafe God. Thirdly, God fpeaketh peace by.his Spirit, This fpeaking is thus.; When the word bath fpo.ken peace by the promife, and when the confcience fpeaketh, /am thou and thud qualified, and therefore i have peace, then the Spi- rit Pfa.358 I Pet, %. 14.