Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

74 ( A Treatife of Gonfcaence. tit of God cometh in and witneffeth, T ea, you fay right; peace belonged) unto youi »deed, and 1 fay Amen to it. When the Spi- rit of God doth fay thus, then the Lord fpeaketh peace to the 021.5.11. foul. The fruit of the Spirit it love, joy, peace: Peace is the fruit of the Spirit : it fpeaketh it to the foal, breedeth it in the foul. Now, beloved, examine your (elves : Is your peace of this flamp? do ye kek it of God, and get it in the blood of Chrift Jefus ?. do ye get it by the world, and by your true (peaking confcience, and by the holy Spirit of God ? If ye get it on this wife, then it is true peace of confcience indeed. If ye get it by your own vaine hopes and by your good meanings, &c. this peace will not hold alwayes : when your confciences come to be awaked , your peace will all vanifh away and be no more. This is the lir(t note to trie and examine your felves by. II. If our quiet and peace of confcience be good, it is ac- eompanyed with fuch a life as is agreeable to the will of God : it avoideth finne, as the thing that difl:urbeth the peace. How can any man have true peace of confcience when his life doth not pleafe God,but provoketh his wrath againft him ? It can- not be that he (horrid have true peace who in his heart doth re- gard fine : There is no peace to the wicked, faith my God. No, where -ever true peace of confciençe dot) inhabit, it dwelled: with godlineffe of life and unblanrablene ffc of converfation; as the Apofile Teter joyneth them together, a Pet. 3. r4. Wherefore, beloved, feeing ye lookfor filch things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace without (pot and blarnele ffe. Mark- ¡ the words; In peace, without Jot and blameleffe. If ever we would be found in true peace, we mull live without .(pot and blameleffe. A wicked mans confcience may Teem to have peace,. ProV 7.04 and tell bin: he had: ferved God ;. This day I have payed my voices, faith the confcience of the Whore;. bust this is a rotten, and deceitful) peace. True peace of confcience is ever accom- panyed with fuch a kind of life as is agreeable to the will of God in his word. III. If our peace be good, it will make us endure to hear any;