Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

S ATreatife of Conf ience. Ma?.?. G. Again, you who have a peaceable confcience., i.. labour to maintain it. Be often in communion with God , be not fgran gets to him, the light of whole countenance is the peace of your fouls. It is the walking with God that breedeth true peace and preferveth it. It is. laid of Levi, that he avalked with God in peace. O let us (tirre up our felves to walk clofe. with God, that fo.we may have peace : No Tweet peace but in fo doing. 2. We muff take heed we do not trouble nor difiquiet it. that we do not re- fill it, or offer violence unto it by committing (inne againfi the . peace of ir, but endeavour to maintain the peace of it by obay- ing the voice of it. Get the fear of God, which is wifdome ; and to depart from evil, which is true underflanding : eflll her: paths are peace, Prov. 3. t We cannot walk in any one path of true wifdome but we fhali find in it peace : There is peace in humilitie, and peace in charity, and peace in god lineffe, and peace in obedience, &c. Break any of thefe things, and ye break . the peace. Ye heare what an admirable thing the peace of confcience is : O then, if ye have it, make much of ir, nay, if ye have it, ye will for certain make much of it, The very having of it will teach you the worth of it, and learn you to prize it, and . make you above al' things unwilling to leave it. And thin much of the firft, viz. a quiet confcience. An