B treatife of C'onfeience. I $ 5 unquiet Cenfcience. IHave already handled a quiet Confcience. I come now to fpeak of a troubled and unquiet confcience : Concerning which I flail Chew you three things : I. What it is ; z. The degrees of it ; 3. The difference of the trouble that may be in a good and that may be in a bad confcience, I. What a troubled confcience is. It is a confcience accufing What it is. for finne, and affrighting with appreheblions of Gods wrath, And here I would have you confider two things : i, What are the caufes of it ; 2. Wherein in confifreth. Firf}, The caufes of it are thrfe five. z. The guilt of (inne : When a man hach done evil, and his confcience doch know it, then doch the confcience crie guiltie : when be knoweth it, Livít4.4 faith the text, thenhe fhall be guilty. This is it which woundeth and pierceth confcience ; this is the fad voyce of confcience. Like' Judas ; I have finned in betraying the inn,cent blond : Like Cain ; My flans is greater then can be forgiven. So the brethren of Jofeph; We are guilty, 1äy they, concerning our Gen42.zt brother. It is like the head of an arrow flicking in the flefh, or like a dreadfull obje6t continually prefènting it 1,1f before our eyes : Afy /hoe as ever before me, faith David. 1vVnen we pf,1.gt.3. have trailigrcflèd Gods law, and our confcience can cry gailtie, when the guilt of (inne lieth upon confcience; this is one caufe of the trouble of it. z. Another caufe is the apprehenfion of Gods wrath for (inne : When knowing that we have finned and offended God, we apprehend his wrath in our minds and behold the revenging eye of his jufhice againta us. This is a very grievous thing, to terrible that no ruin or angel is able to abide it : As we .ee the Kings and Potentates, the mighty men of the earth, call for the mote"raines to fall repo; them, and the hills to cover them from the wrath of G-d, 'it.ev 6.15.16. When we have incurred Gods diipleafure and our confciences fee it,.when his A a anger