? treatif'e of Confcienee. 8 the fear of fume vengeance which they began to.look for ; I was afraid, faith Adam, verle I o. This three. (fringed whit ye may tee allowas upon the conlcience of Cain after he had [lain his brother : His eonfèience was whipt. i.With the guilt offinne; My finne is greater then can be forgiven : z. With the appre- hentton of Gods wrath ; From thy face, O Lord, am I hid : 3. With the expe&ation of death and of judgement ; It Pall come to mire that every so that findeth me fhall flay me. Thus J have [hewed you what a troubled conlcience is. The degrees of a troubled Conf dente. IT. ^r`He next thing I promifed to (hew is the degrees of a I troubled confctence. A troubled conlcience hath divers degrees : For fome confcíences are more troubled then ether fome, t. The firft degree is inch a degree as maybe in Gods children : and this arifeth not fo much from the apprehenfion of Gods wrath as from the guilt offinne : Their confciences grieve and are troubled to think that they have finned and offended the Lord God. Thus we fee David could not be at quiet : Although Nathan had cold him from God that his finne was forgiven , yet his confcience Rill troubled him : Again,!? thee enely have i tinned, and done this evil in thy fight. faith he. I grant the contciences ofGods children are troubled Lat the apprehenfion of Gods anger ; but t hen it is his fatherly anger, not the anger of an enemy. Though for a fit they may feent to apprehend that too, yet moftly it is for that they have provoked their loving Father to anger again& them. A father maybe angry with his child out of love ; and fo the Lord may be with his. dear children. The Lord was angry with me too, faith Mofes. Dever. I. 3 r. O let not my Lord he ..igry, faith Abraham the father of the faithfiill. OGed of hefts, hero long wilt ¡bos be angry with thy people that; prayetb, faith the P fä1 - tnift. Sometimes the Lord it angry with the prayers of his people ; but it is in love, becaule he would have them pray better, and obey better, and look to their [landing better. Now A a z the PfaT.sr,q. PfaT.Bot.