102 treatife of Confciencc. vf 1. Prova S. 14 foul. The eyes of Gods children are frill towards heaven ; they think Bill they fhould have Tome help from God : They pray and cry, and though God feemeth to neglea them, yet they cannot give over : They will not be beaten off from wait- ing on God when he will leak comfort to them. 5. That trouble that is in the wicked maketh their heart fallen ; but that in the godly melteth their heart : My foul is like melting wax, faith David in his troubles ofconleience. His foul melted before God, and was even poured out before him, P1ál. 21.13. This is a kindly working. Thus ye fee the difference. a. Y this we fee what a mifèrable thing it is to have filch a troubled conscience. It is the greatefl mifery that can be : it is even a hell to men here upon earth : it is like a difinall ghofl to terrific the foul : it is like a burning furnace in the bofonie : it maketh the life bitter. In a word, the fp+rir ofman is not able to bear it : The fpirit of man will fuflein its infirmities : but a wounded fpirit who can bear ? As long as a mans fpirit is found, it wrllbear any thing. Some have born agues, fevers, (tones, colicks, convulfions, rackings, torturings : as long as a mans fpirit is found he is able to bear any of them, all ofthenr : bat a wounded fpirit who can bear? Never was there man that was able to .bear a wounded fpirit. We may fee by many of Gods children how heavy it is : David rored with the anguifh of it : a lirange phrafe. Heenan was ready even to runne out of his wits with it : while ! filler thy ter- roes, faith he, Jam di¡lraEted,Pfal.8S.' 5. Ethan cornplaineth that it was like a burning fever : How Iing, O Lord wilt thou hide thy face ? for ever ? fhall thy wrath burn like fire ? Plal.89.46. Tfit be thus with Gods children what may we think of the wicked ? If we could fearch into the bom mes of Tome wicked men who are enemies to God, then we might fee and undedland the true weight and burden of this troubled confeience,