4 treatif e of Con f cience, 103 conlcience. Cain criedi out of more then he can bear. Judas thought to find more cale in hell then in his own heart So terrible was the torture of his troubled conlcience, that be mur- dered himfelf,tliinking verily that hell could not be work. 2. Sec here what an infinite niifery every fìnner (hall one life 2. day be in. Though he be not troubled with this harpye for tl ?c prelent, though he be not yet gaflered wit this furious hag ; yet the day will come when he fhall : j fay the time will come when all ye that are wicked (hall be haunted with this hellilh agony of a troubled conlcience ; either here before ye die, of when ye die, or at the furthel+ when your fouls are de- parted out of your bodies : This is unavoydable to all that live and continue in finne. Though for a while ye live in mirth and pleafure and fecuritie, and conlcience letteth you alone ; though like Nabal to day ye feat} and make merry ; yet there is a confcience within you, an Abigail which to morrow will tell you of it. and then your hearts will die within you and be like ftoues, as cold and as heavie as a ffone within you. As Samuel met with Saul, Becaufe thon haft ferfaken the Lord, the Lord alfe bath forfakenthee : So conlcience will find you out. How- ever for a while ye flight and neglect it, or elk perhaps lup- preffe it, yet it will find you out, a5 Eliah did Ahab, and then ye will fay as he did, Haft thou found me O mine enemy? yea, I have found thee : Thou haft fold thy felt to work wickedneffe in the fight Of the lord : thou haft been a profane beaft, thou haft runne againft heaven, and againg God and Chrift ; and thy life kath been fu'l of rebellions, &c. new .7 have found thee out. The day will come when thy conlcience fh211 be like Jobs meffenger. Ye know what news the meffergers brought Job ; firf1news of one great evil, and then of another greater, and tlsen of a third wort} of all cartel and gods taken away, fer- vants dead, fónnes and d. ughters dead, J one /y am left alive to tell thee : So, Dray, the time will come 'v'-ca cenfeience (\,all thus report, Thypleafures are dead ; thy rro9t i are dead: thy comforts are dead : thy heart is dead ; thy fowl ,s cw fcd, and nite `t die for ever; and j onefy am left alive to tell thee 13 b And