Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

'°41 !1 treati f e of confluence. And then he (hall crie out, Curfed was I that ever I was born and turfed be the womb that bare me ; and the pups that gave me fuck, Then (halt thou mourn at the la(t, when thy flefh and thy bogie are confumed, and thyconlcience (hall fay, How have I bated infirultien, and ney heart defpifed reproof? I have not obeyed the voyce e f my teachers, nor enclined mine ears to them tbat inflrulted me. Such doleful! mefiages confcience will bring in one day, and then it fhall hifle like a Snake in thy bolòme, Know now that for all thefe things thou fhalt come to judgement. And fo thy confcience (hall bray thee like a fool in a mortar, as it were with a peftill,and it (hall pounce thee and beat thee and difirefie thee for evermore. This is the moth that getteth Pfal39,r r into the cloth, and Both eat it : When thou with rebukes daft corral man for iniquitie,thou makeft has beautie to confume away like as when a moth fretteth a garment. This will make thy face gather blacknefle, and thy fpirit be over- whelmed for ever more. J mull adde another ufe yet : For all this is the law : and until! ye be in Chrift ye are all under the law, the curie of it, the rigour of it : And we are bound to tell you how ye (hall find it if ye do not fubmit to the rigbteoufneffe of Chrift. But though we do preach it in the hand of a mediatoter, faith Paul, (Sal. 3.59. a terrible killing law, but yet in a mercifull hand, in the hand of a mediatour, to drive us to leek for mercie : and therefore Yfe ;. The third ufe (hall be, to call upon you to be humbled, and to fee that there is no living for you in your (innes. Go and ftoop to Chrift Jefus, who onely can purge your guiltie confci- ences by his bloud. J befeech you confider, ye who yet abide in your finfull ethics and are yet in the lieu s : J befeech you, confider what the event will one day be. If ye will not look out, your confciences will find you out at the last, and then wo be to you. Your confciences will make all things grievous and bitter to you, even thofe things which in themfelves are moll fweet and good ; When ye heare of heaven, of mercie, of the bloud of Chrift , thefe will but encreafe your miferie : confct- ente