treatife of Confcience. ence will fay, You have no part in them: When you beam the word, any promiiè or comfortable paffage in it, your conference will fay, Yea, this is my miferie; 1 have no /hare ii thefe things. This will be a hell unto you, and will torment you before your time. This will alió make all outward good things bitter unto you : When you fee wife and children and friends, then conlèience will whifper and fay, I(hall not have thefe long : ere long J(hall have nene but damned companie. When you fee your goods, eflates, and the like, confcience will mut- ter, Alas. ere long I /ball be in a place where a drop ofwater (hall not be afforded me to cool my tongue. When you fee the light and other comfortable obje&s, O wo is me ; I [ball fhortly be in a place where I fhall fee nothing but darkpneffe, utter and everlafiing darkneffe. Conference will make your ails 9cions intolerable, your ficknelï'e intolerable, your death -bed intole- rable, the face of death intolerable. J befeech you, brethren, confider thefe things, you that have not felt a troubled confer- ence until) this houre, Ye hardly know yet what it is : ye will know it to your lórrow, if you do not cenlider it. There is a phraie in Ezell O. 24. where God faith, he will make Pharaoh grove with the gromngs of a man deadly wounded : So it will be with you, if you will n t hearken and fubmit to Jelin Ch; if} ; cunlbence will make you grone with fearful) grones ; O wo is me, I am undone, without hope, without remedie. Con- fider this therefore and be wife, before the things which concern your peace be hidden from you. And let me the rather exhort you to this in regard of the Etcber- danger. of the times. The Lords wrath is gone out, and his ration, judgements do flue through the earth, and his plagues do fall on every fide of us : What will your guiltie confci nces do now ? oh you can never endure them. Ye had need of purged confci- ences now left ye be quite cocnfortlefl'e in the day of vifitation. How miferable is their cafe who want the peace of conference in the time of dilirefie ? When troubles and afiaions are with- out, then how grievous is it to want peace and comfort with- in? When Gods mortals arrows are in your bodies, then to have B b Z the