Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

. treat fe of Confcience. and peace together, a. Cor. r 3. r r . The God of love and peace be with you. If he be the God of love to us, it is Pure enough he will be the God ofpeace allo : Ifwe know once that God loveth us, then we may fèt out hearts at ref : As long as we doubt of his love our conkience can never have true peace : And therefore if we would maintein true peace of confcience let us labour to be affured of Gods love. Thirdly, We mull ufc the exercife of faith in applying the bloud of Chilli; we muff labour to purge and cleanfe our confciences with it. If w e find that we have finned, we mull runne prefèntly to the bloud of Chrifl to wafh away our finne. We mull not let the wound feller or exulcerate, but preléndy get it healed. As there is a fountain of finne in us, fo there is a fountain of mercie in Chilli, fit open for 3udab and Jerufalemm, zecb. T 3.1, and for every poore lOul to walla in. As we finne dayly, fo he juflifieth dayly, and we mull dayly go to him for it : As every day we runne into new debts, fo the Lords prayer teacheth us every day to beg forgivenefi'e We mull every day eye the brazen ferpent. Juflifieation is an ever running fountain, and therefore we cannot look to have all the water at once. A fountain ever runneth anew ; lb juflification ever floweth anew, and we muff go to it. Chrifl is a Prie f for ever after the order of Melchifedec. O let us fue out every day a dayly par- don of eourfe ! Let us not fleep one night without a new pardon. Better fleep in a houle full of adders and venemous beafls then fleep in one finne. O then be lure with the day to clear the finnes of the day : Then ¡hall our confcience have Oijéti. true peace. But how if J have relapfed ? what (hall J do then? J anfwer, Every man that falleth dorh not fall on all Sol. foure,as we tile to fay : he doth not fall quiet : There be degrees of falling. As in a lick man though he be ill yet he is not by and by dead ; forne life remaineth fill, which will look out to- wards health again : fo there is fo much life in juffification as to recover thee again. Be confiant therefore in this courfe : Ever go to Chrifl, ever walk in this fountain, ever bring thy foul hi- ther to be cleanfed ; and then thy confcience ever thall have peace. Fourthly, 109 Anfiv. 3.