-/ 'Iie í4 treatife of ConfcZence, f}n fw, Fourthly, If we wóuld mainrein our peace, then let us labour 4, to be confiant in obedience to Jefus Chrift. Whofoever keepeth kw word, in bim verily it the word of Ged perfeaed ; and here- by know we that we are inhim, c. John 2. 5. Mark ; Hereby our confcience tray tell us that we are right, and fpeak peace to us, if we keep bi5 word: II. ,Lucftion ; How the peace of confcience Both depend upon sur care and our obedience. The realon why J raife this quc(lion is this, Becaufe as our juftification is onely in Chnfl, to our peace is onely in him ; how then doch the peace of our conference depend on obedi- ence ? The place of Scripture that occaloneth the doubt is, s Pet. 3. 2 t 7 he all-peer of a good confcience towards God by the refurreîfion of Jefits Chrtft. It is by Chrift; how depeudech it' then on our obedience? .4nfiv. T. A good confcience doch not depend upon our obedience as the principali caufe of it, but upon juflification which we have by Chrill if we be in hurt : Rom. 5, t, Being juffsfied by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jefus Chrifl. Ye fee then that our peace is grounded upon our j:.ftification as the principal( caufe of it. If we fhould leek for peace from our works and obedience, alas, they are finfùll and defe*ive; there is no peace to be found in them, Our con fci- ence would be troubled at our bcfl duties, at our weskneffe in prayer, our frailties in hearing, our flips in every holy lervice : There is nothing we do but our confcience might find fault with it, and pick a hole in it; and therefore we had need to flie unto Chrrft for true peace. No wonder. then that PapiPes have not true peace, but profefedly fay, that every man mull doubt, anej no man can be lure of his falvätirn. They muff needs doubt in- deed who trufl to their own works -: which cais never bring true peace. Theconfctence mufl'everbe quarrelling and find- ing of fault, and be without peace if we tad to the bef% +corks. So that this is the fit' änf.ver, All true pucedependeth upon juflificationby faith in Chrifl as the principal! caufe. Secondly,We anfwer, That our (eue deprindcth upon our obedience