Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

treatí fe of Conf ciençe. obedience in this fort, that we can have no peace except we be given to obedience. Thole men that can finne and yet be at peace, were never juftified in their lives. A child of God when he t nneth ; as for example, if he fhould be tempted to lie, or to omit a good dutie, which he knoweth he is bound to per- form; yet this would much trouble his conlctence ; his foul would be afhamed, his heart perplexed, he vvould not know how to look the Lord in the face ; 9 have finned : what 'hall ado unto thee, O thou preferver of men? When David had finned againti God, I am troubled, faith he ; and I go mourn 41._ ing all the day long. And therefore peace of conscience Both depend thus tarre on obedience, as that a man cannot have peace unleffe he be obedient, and take heed of (lone, and labour in all things to be upright before God. Now if you ask me, But bnb. how Both our Peace depend upon our obedience ? J anfwer, It Sol. dependeth upon obedience as the removing caufe : It removeth that which would hinder our peace. Sinne would interrupt our peace : now obedience removeth inne. To this purpofe the Apoille fpeaketh r. John ;. r8, 19. My little children, let to not love in word and in tongue, but in deed and in truth : For hereby we know that wear'o _of the truth, and (hall afftere our hearts before God : Hereby we fhall affùre our eonfeiences that we are in him, if we take heed of hypocrite : if we love in truth, and be obedient in truth, we (hall thereby remove all our doubts and our fears, our troubles and perplexities of con - ictence. So that peace loth depend on obedience as the removing crude : It removeth that which. "öcherwife would hinder peace. This is the ñrfi. Again, our peáçt -of confcience dependeth up- on our obedience as the witnefíing caùfe of it. Obedience is one of the witnefl' s of true peace ; it witneffeth that We have peace with God. 7hir if our rejoycing, even the tof ixoony of our con- a cor,r.t a fcience, that in fimplicitie and godly fineeritie we bave had our converfation in the world. See here, it is the wttnelling caufe of it :Paul had peace of confcieneee ; his confeicnce was able to make him rejoyce : How ? Beeaufe -it gave teflimony that bis converfation'vas godly and Pimple and gracious. Though we Cc be