I z J 4 treati fe o f tv onfcience, ' be in Chria, yet we can have no peace unleffe holy obedience sloth witnelfe the fame. Obedience is not the caufe of the peace r. lobe of our perceiving the fame : We know we have peace by rea- s4 fon of our obedience : We know that every one that doeth t. Phis 4. righteoufneffe is born of God : We know we are patted from death ; to life becaufe love the brethren : Hereby we know that we r. lobo ;. dwell in hi, and be in tu, by the fpirit that he bath given w. 4. Mark ; we come to know it by obedience and by the fruits of obedience. Take away obedience, we can never know peace . 6414.16. They that walk, by this rule, peace fhall be upon them and upon the Ifreel of Cod, faith the Apoflle. Thirdly, our peace ofcon- fcicnce dependeth on our obedience as the confirming cauf : Chrill coafinneth our peace to us by making us walk clole to him and obedient unto him. Paul fheweth how it preferveth peace, as a Ihoe preferred: the foot : ye know if we (mould walk without {hoes, barefoot, our feet would be in danger of gtbcfe. pricking and hurting : So Both obedience to the Gofpel pre- 5... z s' re o r peace . Stand, faith the Apo(lle, having your feet (hod with the preparation ofthe Gofpel of peace. Mark; he corn- pareth it to a (lace, which he would have us (hod with ;; and then it will be the Gofpe of peace to us, and our peace Thal I be in fafety. Fourthly , our peace dependeth upon our obedience , not onely as a ligne of true peace, nor oncly as a guard to it, but as a thing pleating to God, without the which we dif- pleale God. For though God be pleated with his children al- z tbeg 4, wayes in Chri(l, yet he is not pleafed that any in Chrifl fnould r; be difobedient to him. re have received of us how ye ought to walk, and to ?leafs Cod, faith the Apotlle. When Gods children walk in obedience s For otherwife confcience will be troubled; O, ! do not pleafs God ; This is difplsafsng un- to God; and This cloth provoke God. Not as though there were any fuck perfeetion in our obedience that can fatisfie any tittle of Gods law ; but becaufe when our perlons are pleafingto God in JelitsChril', then our obedience to God is pleating too in Jefus Chriá, and confcience will fay ir. Th us