, I treetife of Confidence.' 1 115 about it. When men are troubled in confcience and burdened a little that way, prefently they daub all with peace, and go a wrong way to work. This courlc the Lord doth complaine of in the false Prophets who preached too much peace ;T e have healed the hurt of the daughter o m flight/ a - ing, Peace, peace, when there is no peace. And fo they do more hurt then good : Like a Chirurgion that skinneth the wound before he giveth fearching falves to kill the matter of it : after- wards it breaketh out worfe, and it is a hundred to one but it will coil the patient his life : So it is with many men : A. man cannot rote a little for his finnes, 7 have been skinner, and what .(hall J do? J have beau a beaf4, eec. But, O, fay they, believe man, Chri fl died for thee, and the promi fe ie to thee, and God will pardon thee. Thus they heal him {lightly with Peace, peace, and it may be there is no peace to him yet ; he had need to be fearched niore deeply : they skinne the wound, and it is a thou - fand to one but it lofeth the mans foul, by giving a cordials where a corrotive was neceffarie. And therefore great reafon that this quetlion fhould be anfwered, If a man have a burdened troubled confcience, what muff fuch a man do to be freed fiom it ? J anfwer, r . Let him take heed that he meddle not too much with the fecret will of God, what his decree and purpofe is from eternity. As loon as an arrow is (hot into the confcience, and the confcience comedi to be humbled , commonly the heart layeth about ir, And how if God have reprobated me ? and what if he have appointed one to wrath? how then ? Beloved, ye muff take heed of this : If your hearts fallen upon reprobation, that will marre all ; that will quite ditcourage a poore foul from going 'to God. 2. Underfland the word right. Do not think that becaufe God hath not in particular named thee, therefore he bath ex- cluded thee. Gods promifes are made in generall to all that o that beleve wh n t fhouldk thou excludelthy Pelf when that believe : y God doth not exclude thee ? Wouldft thou hay e Chrifl ? Chtitl Cc 3 to