Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

11'6 1 .1 treattife of Con fcience, f to juflifie thee? Chrift to fardlrfte thee? ¡ Wouldfl thou be under Cl rills regiment, and live at his wthee ill Xev,zz. Come and welcome : no foul is excepted. Who h'swr l, r7 let him tak, of the water of life f p Ye iceotver wila .Qwsc n ue wait there is a 9 , IV hofocver will. Indeed if thou hall not a will to be in Chrift but thou wilt do thus and thus, and thou wilt have thy will, and this lull, and that friend, and filch a cos not and, fi, this is to firth ; nay, if be there thou : J have nothing for thee but hell and dam- nation. But if thou wouldfl have Chriff indeed, and be in Chrift indeed, thy heart in Chrtll, thy will in Chrift, thy whole felfin Chr l; then arifé, he calleth thee. Thus underfland the word right, the Gofpel doch not exclude thee whofoever thou art. 3. Thou. mull not for fear of (ha me orloflé,&c. keepfrom reflitution wherefoever thou haft done wrong, or fatis!atron wherefoever thou haft cozened, or reformmtion wherefèever- thou -art accuflomed to any evil, or the doing any thing chat may precure cafe and quiet to thy confcience. It may be one is troubled in confeience for his wronging hi.e neighbour in twencie pounds, and if he would make reflitutron he might have found peace but he will not; no he daubeth up his confèience Ionic other way. Another it may be fitffereth diforders :n his famine and foul abuks, which if he would redreffe he might have peace : but he will not. Another, if he would down with his pride; another, if he would be acquainted with Gods firvants or if he would take any pains in good duties, be more diligent for the work of repentance, &c, but theft things will not bedone : Men philter up their confciences (J know not how) Ionic other way, and Iii go co hell for not taking the right way,. But if any of you be troubled in confèience, keep back nothing, held back nothing that may make for your true peaceand quiet. 4. Thou muff wait on God :Cali thy felfat his feet, humbly delire him to give thee the true peace of confience. But wait Gods leifure, knowing thou haft deferved to be utterly depri- ved