6 treatife of Confcaence. ved ¿fit : and thus doing thou draft find it to thy great corn- i fort at tall. BlefJed are all they that wait for him; that is, tfai,3o ;i8. when the Lord will be merciful]. He will do it with judge- ment ; he will do it when it may do thee the moll good, when it may bring him fèlf moll glorie : therefore it is át thou fhouldft wait for his time of comforting. Now becaufc many domif- confturethis waiting Gods leifure, (As for example, one is dead to all good duties, O, faith he, 3 wait the Lords leifure till he quicken me r My heart is much hardned, faith another ; but J wait the Lords leifure till he be pleafed to fetes, it. Thus men are lazie in the mean while; and yet they think they wait the Lords leifure. O beloved, this is not the waiting the Lord meaneth ; this will not flay consèience ; confcience is.guiltie for all this waiting) therefore J befeech you confider what waiting J mean. 1. Wait upon the Lord, and keep his way; thou doll not wait elfe, unleffe thou keep praying, and ftriving, and meditating, and enquiring, and watching thine own heart left it fhould flip afide. a. Thou mutt wait as a feriant waiteth upon his wafter r If his matter calleth , he cometh; if he fendeth, he goeth ifhe beckeneth, he taketh al la notice : So thou' muff wait. As fervants wait upon their Pf i matters,fe our eyes wait upon the Lords tilt he have mercie upon a as. Be obedient in the mean time : go when he fendeth ; come when he calleth ; obferve when he beckeneth ; be diligent to be doing his pleafure. 3. Thou mull wait onely upon God, not upon thy tufts too, and upon other things too ; but thou mull wait onely upon God : My foul, wait thou only upon God, faith David, I ial'..6t. ç. If thou wait upon any thing elfe, this is not to wait upon God. One waiteth a time tobe re- venged ; another waiteth a time to fatisfie this or that tuft : this is tiotto wait upon God at all. q. Take heed of healing thy felf,and comforting thy felf or daubing up thy conscience thy fell : Ifthou doll fó, thou doll not wait upon God to do it : If thou doll it thy felf, and fnatcheft at comfort thy felf before he do give it, then thou doff not wait till he give it. Suppofe Ia man hach donc thee an injury ; the Lord he will right thee if