Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

t t$ I 11 t'reatife of Confcence, ifthou wilt wait : but if thou go and recompenfé evil for evil,, and right thy felt, thou doll not wait upon God as Solomon Pvov.so. ! advifeth, Say not thou, I will reeempenfe evil; hut wait onths ss. Loreland he will fave thee. Mark ; thou mutt not fave thy felf, thine own credit, &c. by revenging, but wait on God for all. So here ifconlcience be troubled, thou mul wait upon God to comfort it : l f thou goefi and daubefl up the matter thy felt, and criel, Peace, peace, to thy fell, thou dolt not wait up- on God. Thus J have answered the fait quelion, How if a man have a burdened and troubled confcience, what mutt fuch a man do to be freed from it ? And hitherto we have fpoken of the two lal adjuncts of confcience, a Quiet confcience. and an Unquiet confcience ; What they be, and, How they differ : and we have refolved and anfwwered the quelions and difficulties about them. Confcience beareth wituefe of ourperfont. COncerning the witnelle ofConfcience, J told you that i confciencebeareth witnefle of two things : a. It beareth witne% of our actions; z. It beareth witneie of ourperfons, The former hash been declared unto you at large : J come now to the latter; Confei- ence beareth witneffe alto of our perfons, whether we be good or evil, whether in Chrift or in finne : And here J will (hew . you foure things : s. That every mansconleience may inform him what (}ate he is in, whether of falvation or damnation, whether ofgrace or of nature. z. How confcience Both it. 3. When confcience dothit. 4. How it cometh to pa ffe then that fo man y thou fan dsmif- r Every take and are ignorant and deluded about their elates. mane s con- 1 For the firff , That every mans confcience may inform litfinnlhina him what elate he is in, whether mood or bad; (J fpeak efpe- 'e what cially of fuch as live under the light of the Gofpel of Chrift. ) Rate he is, There