Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

fl treatzfe of Confcience. what is with a man. Now his well - doings or his ill-doings are with him : he was with himfelf when he did them. vv hen thou art proud, or impatient, or careleñc in any duty, thou art with thy felfwhen thou art fo : All thy ill - doings are with thee : therefore thy confcience muff needs know what thou art. ifa 5'9:I'', Our tranfgreJons are with us ; and as for our iniquities we know them: hake a curfer;and,as Solomon laith,Thine own heart Ecefef. li knoweth that thou haft ii fed to curie others. So it is with a god- ly foul : Thine obedience is with thee, and thy Icif_ deniall is with thee, and thy care to walk before God, all is with thee ; and therefore thou muff needs know it. This is the nature of confcience ; It is privy to what is with one. 2. The fecond reafon is taken from the equity cf Gods judge - ments on the wicked. The Lord he will judge none to hell, but his conlcicnce (hall confeffc he was one that walked in the way to hell and death. Yc may reade it in the man that had not on the wedding- garment : W hen Chrift did charge him with his not having on à wedding garment, and did condemne him to utter darkneffe, the text faith,he was fpeechleffe ; that is, his Matth.z* confeienceconfeffed thatChrias judgement was juft : 3 have r a, not on a wedding - garment, faith his confctence ; and it' t.4 my fault that 1 have note ; and lam rightly condemned. Thus his confcience did know it; otherwilé he could nor have been ipeechlefftin his own defence. AsPeftüs told Agrippa that he All' = l' 1 anfwercd the Priefls, It is not the manner of the Romans to de- i 6 liver any man to dye before that he who is accufed have kis Iaecufers face to face, and have licence to anfwer for himfel f con- ! cerning the crime laid againft hive : So may J nay, ti;at the great J udge of quick and dead will not judge any man to hell but he will have his accufers face to face, and if he can anfwer for himfelf he may, Now ifconPience be not privy to what eflate foever a wicked man is in, his confcience could never accufè him face to face at thelafl day, nor iuftifie the Lord Jefus, and make the firmer Rand fpeechleffe before God. He might anfwer, Lord, 3 do not knew; any fuch thing as is laid to q charge : J am not convinced that the cafe is :thus and thus with