treatífe of Con czence, with me, that 3 am in fuch ax eftate as I am accufed of. No wicked man (hall be able to fay chus : Therefore contcience can inform a man in what ellatehe is. 3. The thrid reafon is taken from the Lords manner of judg- ing the godly. He will judge them and abtolve them fecundkm allegata probata, as we' fay, according to the word and their own contelences. Ye may fee the true form of judgement which the Lord will go by, Match, a 5. Where the Lord con - vinceth the whole world who were righteous and who not, who to be judged to p.,niniment, and who to life for ever ; at la(I he concludeth, Thrwicksd [hall go away into everlafling punifhment, but the righteous into lie eternal/. As if he had làid, Tear confcienees can fay ye are wicked : ye did not feed, nor cletke, Ivor wilt me : Go your wages to hall. So for the righ- teous ; Tour confciences can fay ye are righteous ; Go ye to hea- vest. Thus the Lord will do. Now this Could not be i.fconlei- encecould not inform every ou'c that is godly that he is lò : If .confcience could not witiaeie wliit efl.zte they are in, this could not be. Thus ye fee the ruth'ofthe firft thing: Il. The fecond that) proini',é_d to (laces you is, How con- fcience cloth this; Y have heard that it is able to inform every one what elate he is in before God : Now it followed+ to con - Jider, How confcience cloth it. 'This it doth by comparing the word of God with our hearts, and our le-arts wit}rthe word : As for example ; They who have refpell co all Gods command- ments (hall never be afhanmed, faith the word : Bsit faith con= fcnence. J de fire to_ know all my dutie to God and man, and to perform all that r know : and therefore .1 (hall not be ajhamed. 7o him that foweth righteosefneffe (hall h a fare reward, faith the word : Bat, kith confcience; plough up my nature and al the fallow- ground of nmy, heart; and /low righteoufneff : and therefore to me fhxll bee'aeffue- .reward. So, To 'be fpirituall minded is life and peace, faith, the word ; Bat, latch confcience, I am fpirecua Ill, minded ;" my mind is fet upon chits. that arc fpirituall : therefore I have life and peace. So conscience alto judgeth of the fìate of finne. Thofe that h'e after the fie!h Dd a (hall s. How confcience .loth this. P('a'tt9 6.i Pray, it . 8.1 Rom.8.6