¢ treatife of' Confcience. (hall dye, faith the word : But, faith confcience, my life is led after the fiefb and the lufis of it therefore J (hall dye. Hee .om.8.13. that believeth net is condemned already, fl idi the word : But, faith Confcience, Î doe not believe : therefore I am in the fiate toba 3 of condemnation. the word faith, A good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and a corrupt tree bringeth forth corrupt fruit : Bat, faith confcience, my works and my courfes are corrupt and naught : therefore fo i, my heart. Thus ye fee that confcience doth it by reafoning : And this confcience can very well do ; L. Becaufe confcience bath a very good judgement. It is a very wife and judicious facultie in the foul of man, Some make it an a >t of judgetent. We do not take it tò : It is not an a& of judgement, but it is a reflexive facultie of the foul having a very good judgement. Whether it be right to obey you rather then God, judge ye, faith Peter, Acts 4. r9. appealing to their ow ne confèiences to judge in the point. So that conlci- coee is a facultie of a good judgement. Now if it be judicious, it mull needs be able to reafon and to argue about out elates, and find out whether they be good or no. It is the judgement of man that is able to argue, and able to hold an argument : We thus judge, faith the Apollle, that if one died for all, then are all dead, 2. Cor.S.r q. Mark ; His propofition he would prove was, That all the believers in Cbrift are dead to tbemfelves and alive unto God. Now ye may fee how his judgement maketh here an argument ; If Chri/i died for them all, then they are all dead: but Chrifi died for them all : therefore they are all dead. Judge- ment is able to make arguments : and therefore if conkienee be a reflexive faculty that bath a very good judgement, it muff needs be able to frame arguments, and fo make out what our elates are. 2. Becaufè there is naturall logick in every mans confcience : It can frame fyllogifines, thus, As many as be led by the fpirit of God, are the founts of God, faith the word : But, faith a godly mans confcience, l am led by Gods fpirit, and I am carefull to follow the leading of Gods holy fpirit : therefore 3 am one of Gods formes. And fo on the other fide. Ye will fay, How can a countrey-mans confèience make fyllogi(mes ? It is onely