d treatife if C onfezencr; onely for fcholars and fuch as have (tudied logick in the fchoors to make fyllogifmes. Janfwer, It is true; Artificial( logick is onely among fholars : But there is natural( logick in con- fcience, which doth not Rand upon forms. The godly people at Rorie were never brought up at Univerfitie : yet the Apoftle telleth them they had logick enough to argue themfelves to be dead unto finne and alive unto God through Chrift ; Li ewzfe alre, faith he, recken ye your felves to be dead indeed untofinite, but alive unto God through Je fa s Chri, fl our Lord. The originali is; eRAcyíC.)., xereife fe much legickinyour felver ; Like good logicians prove your felves to be dead unto flans and alive to God. So that ye lee there is naturali logick ih confcience : and therefore confcience is able to frame arguments about our efface, and to inform us what it is. III. The third thing J propounded to confider is, When confcience doth this. This is a very neceffarie point : and indeed fo they are all ; but this more efpecially. J have flamed that confcience is able to inform us what e&tate we are in, whether of grace or nature : but when doth it perform this ? J anfwer, J need not fo much (peak of the godly, becauiè they do mark con- fcience. But let the (peak of Inch as are foolifh, difóbedient, fervingdivers lufis, who never bad yet the wafhing ofregenera- tion nor the renewing of the holy Ghoft : J anfwer about them ; a . Their confcience muft needs have a time when to do it. 7 de remember my faults tbis day, faith Pharaohs butler, Gen. 41. 9. His confcience did inform him ; and there. was a time when his confcience did inform him. a. Confcience would choofe a time by it Of : it would inform a wicked man folemnly and pundtually of his rotten and curled eflate he is in. J fay, it would have a folemn time by it felftfor this, if it could have it : but a wicked man taketh an order with his confcience that It (hall not tell him foleamly how it is with him ; neither will he find a time to fuffer it : As it was with Felix; When his confcience began to grumble againfl him, when Paul had told hire of righteoufneffe and of judgement,' he trembled, his confcience began to iliac, and would then D d 3 have 123 Rotg,óa t. 3 When conicitncc cloth this. ------