i d treatifè óf C'vnftience. Ihave folemnly dealt with him indeed : but he 1hut$ed it off, and would not find time ; Go thy way at this time, faith he to .4s $ 24 Paul ; I will heare thee at a mare convenient time. And fo he _' laid to his confcience too. Conteience would take a folcmn and let time to inform men what their effaces are ; but men will nortoWer them : and therefore confcience is fain to take loch fudden times as it can get. Ye will ask, What times be they ? Con(ci- j anfwer. Fire, when confcience interlineth: As for example, me inter. in the hearing of the word : While men are hearing the word, Íinerhu it may be the Preacher preacheth of holineffe, and a wicked man heareth it ; But 7 have it not, faith his confcience. Mirk ; his contcience interlineth. It may be the preacher is preaching how delperately careleffe men are of their fouls. how they look to every thing mort then to Them ; contcience intërlineth, Thu is my cafe. It may be he is preaching L gainíf Adulierie; This finne 3 have committed, faith a guiltie confcience : or againff rufhing upon Gods ordinances without preparation ; This is my confiant courfe, faith an culli mans confcience. It may be the pecad;er is preaching of c ^nvcrficn and becoming a new creature in Chriff ; 71m I am yet to feek. in, faith ct nicience. Thus conlcience interlineth : T t.otgh the man heareth on, and it may be taketh little to heart. yet contcience interlineth_ a lid den information of his wretched eflatc. Like a bird that fleet'. by, or like a fwift_fhot arrow, that is prekirly out of fight, io it may be a man taketh very Iittle notice of it. Like the fore- ..if is 24. named Felix : as Paul was preaching of eighteoufneffe and 'S tempereance, I leave it nos faith his consèience ; and of judo - mentto come, What fhall 1 do then? faith his confcience. Thus confcience interlined; and made him tremble on a fi'dden, like a ftdden fhivering of a cold, or a hidden ffartle of a man af- frighted, and away it was gone quickly. j befecch you obferve your own bofomes. Do ye not feel this now and then at a lermen, when ye heare it ? do not your confciences interline out fèrmons, and put in parenthefes now and tfen ? When ve heare filch and loch a fin reproved,condemned, And this is my fn faith confcience : when ye heare thelè and thefe graces cornireried, Ara