d treatife of Eonfcience. And I never bad thefe,faith cofafcietaee : When ye hear there and of a carnali of latc, And thefe or force of thefe are in me, faith there marks confcience ? do not your conicienees interline in this man- ner ? As Paul was fpeakmg to the Ehipmenconcerning God, his cenctcnec did fweetly interline thus, There Aced by me this night an Angel of God, whofe jam, faith his confcience. And as Le was writing to the Romans, God is my witneffe , faith he, whom C ferve in my fpirit. But do not your cotuiciences interline otherwiie with you ?' If they do, J befèech you conf_derit : Your confciences do then truly inform you of your rotten eflates : linen to therm. Secondly, when confcience falleth a choking. As for ex- ample, in prayer : a wicked man prayeth; But 1 donut pray right, faith his confcience. 1 humbly befeech thee, O Lord : Nay, but j do not befeech humbly, faith his conscience. j de fire to k finttified and purged from my fins ; Nay, but j do not hunger after any fach thing, faith conicience..1 do not confeffe my flnnes I right, nor beg forgrace right. Do your coniciences choke you thus ? Now your conlctences inform you of,your elates. Per- adventure ye hardly perceive this choking at all : It is done in a moment, and it preléndy ceafeth, becaufe ye are not wil- ling to heare it : and therefore it may he conf fence Both it by fudden flafhes. It is f<2id the Lord fpake fuddenly c3 Mores : fó often confcience fpeaketh fuddenly to men, a word and away. As David faith of the wicked, God !pall (hoot an arrow at them, and they (hall be wounded on a fudden : So eonícienetfhoorech a quick arrow, and it woundeth men in the twILkfing of an eye,and it is gone. Lord, have mercy upon us, laid one : But 3fhonld not fay fovainlya.nd in ordinary talk, faith con!èie' I do not bate this man for his holineffe and /lriïtneffe : But you do, faith conictence. And fo when men are defending ev ::.l by arguments ; But this is falfe, faith confcience. Thus confci- ence choketh on a fudden, and is gone. J confeflè goner Daly he men of the world mark not there things : They are ficir hidden fparkhngs of confcience that men fàrthe moll laut do not heed them : But theft are Gods scitneffes ; and a,:n fhall know. One 9ÉTt 27, 23 Rem r.9. Conici, enee che. keth- Pduni. la. 4