Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

I26 s4 treatife of Confcience. one day they were truly informed of their eflates by thefe in- ftantaneous Items of confcience. Thirdly, when confcience fheoteth like a flitch in a mans fide. As for example ; Sometimes when men are about their callings and their worldly bufineffe, then cometh confcience like a fudden flitch in ones fide and give them a twitch O how worldly am Ì ! faith confcience : Shall J never get this worldly mindednes cured? Many times confcience fpeaketh while men arc working, or playing, or eating, or buying, or felling. Fourthly, fo likewife when confcience commenteth upon the judgemeres of God. Let an Adulterer fall lick ; Tea, this iJ for mine adulterie, fai h his confcience. Let a company- keeper be in want of outward things ; Tea, this is my drttn- en»effe, Pr 4. tg faith confcience This is my retckedneffe s y way,tny doings which have procured me thefe things ; this ague, this proverty, this fhame, this difeonefort. Thus J have (hewed you how con- fcience doth inform the wicked of their wretched elate ; and when it doth it. It remaineth now that J speak fomething of the fourth point. IV. How cometh it to paile then that fo many thoufands why many miflake, and are ignorant and deluded about their effaces ? The aradeluded reafon of this doubt is this ; Seeing confcience is able to inform about hei' every one what his elate is, whether it be bleffed or curled ; chiste, and feeing alto that confcience doth it ; and cloth it by argu- ment ; and bath its time when it doth it : a man now would wonder that any fhould he ignorant of his chute when his own confcience doth tell him how it is with him. For anfwer J will explain unto you two things : i. The reafons why men are miflaken ; a. The rea fans why they are miftaken though con- fcience inform them. Firfl, They build upon fife grounds which are not in Gods word. Some are fo foolish that they build upon outward things, as heakh, peace, profperitie, fuccefe , and the like. They profper, and all things go well with them, gc therefore fire God is at peace with them : This is not fo ; butthey think fo though Come again build upon grounds which men of corrupt minds do