Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

d tr'eati e o ConaMince. do give -them, or which they take from :he common opinion of most, thinking that to be faith and re ent ;uoe which rice mft take ioto be, or which ateacrer fir. ívrchr+rk:-a,:cc., áfoto b... On the ccatrariefide, weak '._lJi i ic.:_, :au:ciics rnittak° themtelhesby judgirgthe,c cii _ ;e:. to be b..d uc au :e hod let - tech therm bepoorc . lid mean ,mc co =n: .t< z c, ._i!' in 4'r:A word Therefore they conclude :god is aogr:c.c sth then, or that they are notccat which they fecal to theirs :ekes to be b rc vièthey are fo croffed in all outward things This is the fall reafon ;,f. crruur in this kind. 2. A. fècond reafcn is the net -right underflarding of Gods Reef, 2. word : Ai _when, men judge of then, lel v es by ii clh places of Scripture as were not intended to be rules and to be of ureto loch ends as they apply them : -as Wirofoever calletñ upon the Lard all a aye Rom. to. r;, i ez f > I-Ies,ce r..e :titc,s.,« may falièly con Jude, ca'! eponthe Lord, and ,j pr. nrtahis. therefore 1 fhal! be faved. And fo on the concrarte, a weak Chriftian who findech not in himfelf there degrees of grace which Ionic places of Scripture feeni to require coneLideth. from thence againft him let f, Therefore .1 have no grace at all. This is a lècond caufe of miflaking. 3. A third caufe is the not trying and examining our own hearts. Some are loth to trouble clan/Pelves about it : They are loth to think fò bad of t1:cemhlves as that they are in fuch a courfe as wherein God will not love them. Nay. they cannot endure th .others fhould'dileoq.,er their hearts unto them : They had as lieve they ibould (hew them the pit of hell as thew them themfèlves. They look to force common gifts.'asid races that are in then, rich Os and graces may 'be in a reprobate, but they will not think tó; as Illumination, knowledge; the gift of pra»er, of temperance. &c. Thefe they look to, and these they ffe. k o though they have reign Mg l.:(}s within in their hearts : As Jehu ; C:on:e, fee my zeal, faith he, 2, Kings io.16. He a ,-;t1.i not fay, Conte, fee my pride and hypeeriGe , hut, my zeal. 3ehu:looked at his zeal, and fo thought he was right. So on the contrarie, weak Ct rsftians may fometimes look onely at E e their Reaf. 3.