9 treatif e ®f i , . (cifnce, 13 z The devils in hell have not loll di goo4neííe of their elfence: Nay, the efhenceis better then die cfl:nce of Gods Saints : their egence mutt be good, becauiethat is Gods creature; nay, bet- tcr then any mans eflcnce, beca.;fe the Lord made them a degree above man. And as man is a degree above beafts, fo Angels are a dcgrce above man : fo confcience i a degree above other powers of the foul in its natural! goodneflé. That confcience hash Inch a natural! goodnefffe in it, lee it in thofè curled Scribes and Pharifees, hypocrites, who brought the woman taken in adultery to Chrift : f heir eonfctence was good ; they were Lho i y. oonvilled of theirernfeirncer : their confciences den It boneftly wirh them, and told theta the truth that they were wicked finners themfelves;r.. This is the natural! goodneffe in con- fcience, 7. A. renewed good confcience. J call it a renewed good confcience., becaufe when a man is renewed, all the man is re- newed ; ail his mind and the fpirit ofit is renewed, Ephef. }.z 3. rhstye. may be' renewed in the floral. ofyos,. mind. lfthe man be renewed, all tfié mind mutt be renewed; and therefore the eonfèience muff bee renewed too , for the mind and the con - fcience eve!: go rogeiher : nay, confcience is mainly feated in the mind; ánd cheeforeif the mind be renewed, fo is the con- filer ce; and if the mind be defiled, fo is the confcience. To ru.r. ;r. th. w that are defiled is nothing pure, but their minds and Oa- fresco; ei¡e defiled, Mark; When they are defiled they are dciiled together : fo when they are waffled and renowcd, they arc wafhed and renewed together. Now this renewed confci- ence is either perfeet ordefèétive. s. Perfect. J mean notper- fecR in every degree of gnodnelle : For lo no mans confcience in the world is perteft : But J mean perfe t'in every part and condition of goodoelle. z. A defeetwe good renewed confci -' enc_ is d'.at which faileth in force conditions of goodnelfe. We cal! it ? ire. con{cier.ce, which is apt to be polluted and defiled ag in. T. C:er, R. 7. Their confcience being sre.tk,;s defiled. This is d fil&ive good conféience renewed, but imper- 1 fel;r ._.. °w:d. L^ 3