34 I 4 treati fe of C a 1 c icnte. a{ìur,;,ce of th pardon of ourfnnes, and -ro trtiepesce and eontfotetlabÍ'ia.ed :n It. This is therealbn wily. o Seriprune joyneth a good ccn''cience and faith fo ofcun toy:: cr : as t. Tim. 3. y..1`o14.ng the m fferie °f faith in a pore confci ence. It cannot be a p;::; c or good contcience if faith be not held h in it. As long as the corucienceis not underpropped by 'aidr, the centcience nr:f} needs be in- a w:ldernefle : Perhaps my Pines are imputed sato me ; p'rhapt they arepardoned : Berbcpt' they are cavered,perhap$ not. As lot% astfe coMeience Itch under diele uncertainties it F:.rinot be fieli raid loundly good in. deed : therefore we mull labour tor affurance of pardon by faith. Thus much of a good renewed conlcicnce that is pertc ly and faunally renewed. An infirm II. Secondly; There is a good ccinfcieoce renewed but -not cunftience foundly renewed, very mach as yet defé &ive an imperfedì. The former con(cicnce is called confcientia firma, a firm confci= once : ibis is called eoxfcìentia enfirma, an infirm conlcienee. Rom. a S. e . We that are ffrong ought to bear the infermities f the wear This infirm conicierce is a good conleiencetoo, and renewed, but curnbred with fundry imperfections ; which in proceGfe of time by groweth in grace are for the moil: part, i conquered in the godly. True faith is required unro this : For i the Apoflle callcth filch an one a brother in aril?, one eta Rohr.t4, bath this infirm confcience : It is good neither to eat. fl=fh, nor ro `r drink wine, nor sinj thing whereby thy brother tf umbleth. A.r.d we muff not f et fuch an one at nought, T,' 1, what care J for I Lim?. t know I may tan ful y do thus : and thee is my (bri ?san j liberty; and (hall I loft it for him. becasefe of his F.onrceence ? ttetn.a4- Nay laid; the Apoftle, SPhy44 thou fitatnoughtdhydreth ,rr to. Mark ; The Apoffic chunteth Inch an one a Chriflian'1hr, Cher, ated not- to be lét at nought : and therefore this is a ood con, fcience too, differing as much as white from black f o'n finch eonfciences as are weak through fuperilition of mind and through prideofhea c, becaufe they will not beorberwire, or thrO^..g' affeaed ignorance becaufe they love not to bebeterinfn rr 1. ' Then weak confciences are wicked ; j fpeak potof thefe : j beak