,3g treatife of C'onf czeuce, t, Cop.' S. 5547. Ges .4. ZO conlcience fpeaketh peace and effe ð it ; it doth not onely (peak it but it putreth it into our hearts. It proppeth us up in all miferies, in lickneffes, yea in death it felf. A good confcience then maketh us hold up our heads when all the world Thal( be confounded : Agood confcience will bear us out againft the King of terrones : It is onely a good confcience that can look death in the face, and fay, Odrath, where is thy fling? thanks he to God whogiveth sas vi5orie through our Lord Je fus tvhrifl. Yea, at the day of judgement, when the whole world (hall be burning before us, when the ,great men of the world who go in filks and Cadet and broidered hair (Nall fear and (haver as areed (haken with the wind, this will make us with boldnefle undergo the terrour of it. This will make is happie in all our diflreffes When crolles pelt us, and 1i kneffe paineth us, and death attatcheth us. we are happie men. What if we havethe tokens of Gods wrath upon our bodies fo we have the marks of his love upon our fouls ? What outward calamitie foever happenech to us, yet if we have this good confcience we are happie. O then let us labour to get it by faith and a holy life. if we would be fare in the floud -time, in the day of Gods wrath, we mull be buhe now about the ark, we mull provide before -hand ihr it.: Nothing but this ark will lave us in the deluge of Gods anger. Ir is in vain to trouble our (elves about other things : Juba( was a merrie man ; he made pipes and organes : Jabal built tents ; others planted vineyards : but Noah provided his ark. Many delire comfort infickneife, in death ;: but they -do not provide for it before -hand : They look after their 1ports or buuineffes in the world ; but this ark is neá leered, this good confcience, without which all mews labour is vain. Be they what they will be, in never to much credit and e{leem they are yet moil miferable when troubles and if. fli &ions come on them, as one day they (hall and Thal( not tarrie ; then all their comforts will forfake them t When death lóoketh them in the face : then their hearts die within them. How full of pride and haughtineffe foever they were before, yet when they come to die, if their confciences be awaked they