d treatife of ConictEnce, I;9 they will with Saul fall down to beate the name of death, and no spirits be left in them. Nay, if we want a good confcience when we lie on our death-beds, and delire good people co pray for us, Good, fir, I befeech you let me have the benefit of your prayers to God for me : Alas, if thou haft not a good conscience, all the prayers under heaven will not help thee. See Heb. a 3. 18. Brethren, pray for as : for wetruff wchave agood con- fcience. Mark ; The Apoftle telleth them they may pray for him with comfort, because he had a good conscience. As if he had laid, If we bad not agood confcience,.itwere in vainfor you topray for ;u. If ever God heere the prayer; made for us, we mua have a good confcience. Tholë that have not this good eonsèience (hall never enter into the kingdome of heaven : Though they had Moses, Daniel, and Job to pray for them, yet all their prayers could not held them in the time of their diftreffe. The bond of Coisfcieìce. Oro we mua look back unto the foure Propolitions Nwhich at the beginning J obferved in the text r am upon ; That there is in every man a C:onl'cience. s. That the light which dire&-teth confciencc is knowledge. 3. That the bond which bindeth confcience is Gods law. 4. That the office ofconíciencc is to bear witnefle, to accuse or excufe. have in the handling of there a little altered the method, and fpake of the two fire and the la(l. Now followeth the third, and that is conlciencesliond, which is Gods law : Which thew the worke of the law written in their hearts, &c. It is onely the work of Gods law that it beareth witneffe of, that it accusèth or excufeth for : The law of God is confciences bond. Never - aheleffe we mua heredtsiangui(h : The bonds of' confcience are either primary and fupreme, er fecondarie and relative. t , The primarie and fuprerne bond of confcience is onely Gods word and law : that onely is the fupreme bond of con - F f 3 icience : 1, Sam. 12.20, the bond of con1ci: ence is Gods law.