Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

144 i treatife of C'onfcience, not at that, except it be convinced by the won of God that ais Gods will, the commandment of the great God of heaven, 1' the God of the fpincs of all flefh, who will look for our obedi- ence : This maketh confcience to fiartle, this affefeal it and z cot 4 s btndech it. St. Paul when he raid that he approved himfe f and hispreaohrng to ment confciences, what followeth ? 1four Go- !pi be hid, it is hid to them that perifh, &c. As if he had Paid, This maketh all the world to Hartle, except they be reprobates and delivered over to Satan. It is eafic to fee what mindlerie affeaeth moll and doth the mofi good in the hearts of the peo- ple ; namely that which bringeth the clearefi voice of Gods Spirit calling to obedience and binding the confcience. They can Ilene with cafe and great plealhre the fermons of thole whofè doerrines are flufh d with hu mane diteourres. Nay, let carnall 'Preachers preach never fo much againfl peoples finnes, they can make a 1port of it though they heare theiruinnes with humane learning declaimed againfl. When the preacher doth not clearly preach the Lords voyce, though he rip up finne, yet if it be not in the demonfiration ofthe Spirit of God, and (hew- ing his clear authority, the heart will not be affedled. Confei- ence kneweth when it is bound, and when it is but dallied and jelled with : And therefore if Minillers delire to have their minifierie worke upon the hearts of their people, they mull fhew them Gods authority, and confirm it by his word, and let them fee that it is the commandment of the Lord, that which Ccr,r4, will one day judge them. Let him know, faith Paul, that the gy things that J write are the commandments of the Lord, It is the Lord of heaven and earth that biddeth thee yield, and corn- mandeth thee to give over thy bate lulls : It is he in whore hands thy breath is ; thou hadfl hell be obedient. I cell thee, thy confcience obferveth it ; and if thou wilt not obey, it will rare like the roring of the fea one day againfl thee, and fling thee like a fcorpion. The things that thou heareft, know thou that they are the commandments of God t and if thou dtfobey, thou' dolldifobeynot men but God. rt. x, 2. Is it fo that the word of Gad onely is the fupreme bond of,