146 .1 treaufe of E'anfcience. 1 with them. But they de not trouble their thoughts, to aim at Gods commandment in it. Let me tell you ; Conscience will not count this obedience : For confcience feeleth no bond but Gods word : and if ye do not look at that, it is no obedience with confcience ; conicience will never acquit you or abfblve you for this ; it accounted], of this obedience as no obedience at all. See r. Col-. to.. a 5. and fo forward. There the Apol}le handling that.queftion of confcience, at Taft concludeth, whe_ Cher ye eat er drinkor whatfoeverye do,do all to the glorie of God, Serf. 31. Let your hearts look at that, and aim at that ; in -whatloever ye do,ftill look at God : allis loft with con ki- ence ehe. Though ye eat never fo foberly, and drink never fo . moderately, pray never fo duly, confcience counteth it all no- thing if ye do not look at God : It is God onely and his word that doth bind it; and it will never give a difcharge except your hearts look at him. Trfe 3 . 3. This ferveth to confute our Antinomilts, fuch as fay the Iaw of God bindeth not the conicience of the regenerate. Ye fee here that the law of God bindeth the confcience : and therefore if the regenerate have any confcience at alt, (as cer- tainly they have the belt conicience of all men ) then it mull Frö what needs bind their confcience. We confefrethe confcience of the Chri iaas regenerate is freed from many things b C hrift. Fitt, it is freed are Erced, from the yoke and bondage of the oriall law, Gal. 5. i. Stand fart in the libertie wherewith Chrifi hath made us free, and be not entangled with the yoke of bondage. Every mans confcience is freed from' that yoke of the cerem >niall law, be- caufe it ended in Chria.. Secondly, the confcience of the regene- rate is freed from iecking juffification by the deeds of the law. Indeed the firfl covenant was by the works of the law ; We that doeth them [hall live in them : But the fecoud covenant fpeaketh better things ; He that believetb [hall be faved. It is true, ifGod had not Pent his Sonne we mull have fought juli- fication by the works of the law : Though it were impollible to find.it by reafón ofour Clones, yet confcience was bound that way. But now that Chrifl; Jefus bath fealed up a new covenant in