B treat fe of Confcience. in his own bloud, confcience is freed from s that former : Rom.3 28; Therefore we conclude , that a man is juflified by faith without the deeds of the law. For though jullifying faith never be without the Gncere doing ofthe law, yet the deeds of the law have no influence into juftification : Confcience is freed from iéeking juf'rificatron thereby. Thirdly, the confcience of the regenerate is freed from the rigour of the law. They are bound in confcience to ufe the law as a rule of their life, and in fiuceritie to obey it ; but are not bound by the gofpel to the rigour of it : that they are freed from; and to they are not under the law but under grace. J grant that all carnali people, who are yet out of Chris, do all lie under the rigour of the law : and as long as they fubmit not to Jefùs Chrift, nor get into him, they are bound in confcience to keep it, though they cannot ; They cannot finne in one tittle, but confcience will condemne them before God. They (hall be condemned for every vain thought, for every idle word, for every the !call finne, for every the leafl lull, for any the leaft òinillion of good. They lie under the ri- gout of the law, and they are bound in confcience to keep it, and they (hall be countable for every trantgreflion,.becaufe they are under the law.. But the confcience of the regenerate is free from this rigour, becaufe they are under grace, and therefore they are deliveredfrom the law : The Lord bath delivered them by the body of Chrift and therefore they are not bound by the gofpel to all that obedience that the lavv in rigour requireth. Fourthly, the confcience of the regenerate is freed from the eutfe of the morall law. For though the law doth condemne, yet their contèience needeth not fear it , becaufe they are in Chrift : There is no eondemnation to thofe that are in Chrift Jefue, whichwulkpor after the flefh but .after the fpirit. Indeed thofe that are not regenerate not ingraf ed into Cbrit+, they are (till in the mouth of the gunlhot : the law doth condemne them,and they have no Ihelter, and their coafcienceis bound by it ; and they (hall find one day that by it their ,confcience willcondemae them to hell. It may bellow for the prefent their confcience is quiet, and they choke it, and fo it letteth G g 3 them 1 147 Rom 6.14, Roi .7.6, Ros S t.