Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

148 I d treatife of CO/plaice. f'cterrc them alone : yet they are condemned in conlciencc, and one day they ball find it. But the res,enerate are by Chrift freed in conlcience from all this condemnation. Thus farce wee grant. Angno But the Antinomifts and J know not what Marcionifts miff s. would have more. They cannot abide to heare that a regene- rate perfon is bound to any Gncere obedience to Gods law as the rule of their litè : They cry out againP the morali law as once the Babylonians did againft jecuÌalem, Daivn with it, down with it even to the ground : O yes do not preach (hrifl if yet talk of the Law. Beloved, there are drunken opinions, fit- ter to be preached among Drunkards and Epicures, and mon- fiers, then among the peculiar ones of God. The law of God doth bind the conlience of all the people of God, fo that they are bound to make it a rule oflife. Nay, the Scripture calleth p¡at, a. r, it Chri/ls bond whereby he bindeth his people to him : The 1.3e Kings of the earth fet thentfelves, and the Rulers take cannfell together againfl the Lord and againfl h. Anointed laying !.et us break,their bonds. and ea!4 away their cords from m. u(h, we will not be tyed by his laws, nor be fa precifely /trait -laced with fach Commandments. as theft. Here the laws of the Lord are called bonds and cords : Gods people arebo. nd to him by them : But the wicked they (land out and refué to be ha.. nd. Now if the Law be called a bond, J prayy what bond is it, but of Confcience ? It is not a bond like a Prifoners fècters to be put about their legs : This is a fpirituall bond chat bindeth the conlcience. But let me prove it to you by arguments. There be lùndry arguments to prove it. Argu pirlt, That which hath power to ray to the conlcience of the T atGods Tegenerate, This is thy duty. and this mafi be done that bindeth law bind. the conléience, This is your duty. Who can tell better then WI the Í (Thrift ?' When yet have done all theft things eh at ars cornman- confcience :tied you, fay, We are unprofitable fervants ; ' we have dons that generate :Which s;as our duty to do. Mark ;. Flee fpeaketh of Cods law, !Ark Í things coosomasd'ed : now the flaw is nothing elle but a cats - Lok r7, re logue oftholè things that God hath commanded us'. -Whén vet i' have