Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

d tre¢tife vf Confcience. 149 have done all thefe things, faith our Saviour, know it is your dare. Here ye fee the law hath power to fay to the conlèience, This is your dutie. But ye will obje6t, We are under faith ; and do ye tell us of law ? J anfwer, as Chrylbl+ome anlwereth out of Paul, Do we then make void the law through faith ?God forb d : Tea, we effablifh the law. See how the Apoftle doth abhorre this thought : God forbid, faith he. As if he had laid, ?Farre be it from me to teachfaith an abominable doihrtne : Ne, no ; we eflablifh the law. Heare what Chrift faith himfeif, Think not that ¡` am come to defiroy the law : 3 am not come to deffroy, but to fulfill it. O thought fòme. If we believe in Chrifb then we hope we fhall have done with the law. No, no, faith Chrilt ; ye (hall ao foon pull the heavens and the earth out of their place as difannull one tittle of the law. Secondly, That which bath this authoritie that the breach of it is a finae, bindeth confeience : but the law hath this authoritie, that neither regenerate nor unregenerate can tranfgreffe it but they finne : therefore the law bindeth their conlciences. For the regenerate and all are bound in conkcience to cake heed of finne : Whofoever committeth Pine tranfgrefeth alto the law. David was a regenerate man ; yet when he had defiled Bath - fheba, ¡have finned, faith he. Jofe h was a regenerate man ; yet confeffeth, if he fhould finne : How fhall I do this great wickedneffe.. and fo finite again, God ? But ye will obje &, rhis is old Tetlament. What of that ? J hope you will not take up the old damned herefe again of the Cerdonians, and Cainites, and Apellites, and Manichees, and Severians, and other filch curled hereticks condemned by the Church of God : Their heretic was, To hedge out the regenerate from the old tellament. And St. Auguftine proved it againft them. That the morall law of God was ever the rule of obedience, and full to con- tinue with the gofpel to the end of the world ; and every tram= greflion thereof is finne. The breach of the ceremoniall law was a fume once ; but now it is not : becaufe once it bound the confcience now it doth not : Bu t the breach of the moral( lave is Bill Gnne a therefore Rill it bindeth the confci- ence Rortt.3.3 r Arg. 2. . labs 3 4.