Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

1.50Ì 4 tree tífe of Conf zence. ence. Do ye not remember what St. James faith now under the Gospel ? hepreifeth It yet on mans confciences : He that lam2,11. faid, Do not commit adultery, faid elfo, Do: not kill. Now though thou commit no adultery. yet of thou kill, thou art be- come Atranfgreffourof the law. And though yee may call it a law of liberty in what iènle ye plealè, yet hie telleth you , Ye had belt look to y our words and deeds :- for ye wm't be judg- ed by this law of liberty : So fpeakve and fo do as they that ¡hall be fudged by the law of liberty. Thirdly, That which being obferved doth caufe die confci- enceof the regenerate toexcule, and being tranlgreffed to ac- cute, that bindeth their confcience : (For what elfe do you make binding of conk-le/ire but this ?) But the law of God being. obterved loth caufe the confcience to excuiéi; being tranf- greffed, Co accufè ; In many things we fanne all faith the Apclle. Mark , Our conkiences, do accufè us : as we do to. J am a finfull man, faith St. Peter, Luke 5.;8. His confci- ence did accule him of Gene. Fourthly. That which is the condition of Gods covenant of grace bindeth the conkicnce, yea of the regenerate : but Gncere obedience to Gods law is a condition of Gods covenant of grace. See Luker. ]a. To remember his holy covenant and the oath that he (ware that he would give us, That being de- 'avered out of the hands of our enemies we mightferve him with. out fear in holinefe and rigbteoufinffe before him all the dayes of our life. Mark; Sincere and universali ob dicnce is a con- dition of the covenant of grace. not onely for a manifef+attnn to our felves that we are truly Jun tfied ; asthefe upHart Patri- tians do hold : but it is the condition of the covenant of grace. Every covenant bath its conditions annexed ; and therefore it is called the book of the covenant, Exod.24.7. the work of the covenant Exod. ;4. 28. the tables of the covenant Deut. ç. r r. The reafon is this ; Becaufe when a covenanv is made, the-conditions are put into a book or a table and ex- preff d in words. Onely here is the difference between the fiat I covenant of works and the fecond covenant of grace : Both have Arg. 3. Arg. 4.