treatzfe of Confcience, have conditions ; but here, J fay, is the difference ; In the one race g;veth the covenant, and grace giveth the condition of the covenant; but a condition is annexed though : New hence we may argue ( and none but enemies to the Gofpel can denie it ) If ehe covenant of grace do bind a mans confcience, then certainly the condition of tue covenant bindeth -a mans confci- cure too : But the covenant.of grace bindeth the confèience of the regenerate ; and therefore the condition of it bindeth. If you ask, What is this to obedience ? the anfwer is, That obedi- ence is the condition of the covenant of grace, as the fore -named Scripture expreffeth, Luke r . 7 z. Thus ye fee the law of God bindeth the confcienee of all the regenerate. This is the third Life. 4. Hath the word of God fupreme power to bind confci- ence ? Then hence we may learn, that no creature can difpenfe with it, nor free confcience from guilt when a man tranigrefleth the word. What a damned ufurpation is it in the Pope to offer to dtlpenfè ? The Canonifts fay he may difpenfe de praceptia veteris & novi tefitamenti, ( They ate their own words ) he may d: fpenfe with the commandments of the old and new tef a- ment. He difpenféd with king Henry the eighth, and under took to free his confcience from guilt though he married his own brothers wife. Gregorie the fecond undertook to free fubjeós from being bound in their confciences ro keep their oaths of allegeance to Leo the Emperour. Ó thefè are damned afpirtngs and they plainly declare him to be Antichril +, who exalcech htmfelfe in this manner. The word of God is the fitpreme binder ofconfcience : And therefore not all the Angels in heaven can difpenfè with one idle word. For ever, O Lord thyword is fettled to heaven, Gods word is fettled for ever in heaven ; and therefore ve may affoon remove the heaven from its place as one tittle dale word from hindinoconfeieuce. moth the word lay thus or thus ? thou hadtt bell do it : Ifthou.wilt not, all the whole world cannot help thee ; thy confcience will condemne thee at the day of j. d rnent without remedie. Hath the word convinced thee of thy banes, and 'made thy confcience Fib fay, I51 Azorius ho lefuitn ef,orts it. Pfal.rry, $9'