52 ,a treatife of Confctevice, fay, J am a /inner, and amguiltis before God? J tell thee then, Thy confcienee is bound, and all the world cannot look it, But haft thou been humbled and emptied of thy felt, and doth the word pronounce pardon of thy (nines in Chrifts name, that thy confcienee can fay, The Lord fpeaketh peace to my foul ? J tell thee, Thou art looted, and nor hell nor devil nor finne nor fleas nor any thing can bind thee. Ye may fee the power of Gods word in that fpeech of our Saviour, Whatfoever lye Pall bind on earth (hall be bound in heaven, Match. IS. t S. That is, My word which ye preach is of that nature, that if that loofe your cenfcience, it is looted indeed, and nothing can bind it if that do bind it, it is bound foundly indeed, and nothing can loofe it. O this is a terrour to the wicked ! Doth the word of Pr ov. zg, God fay, He that bardneth his neck, being often rebuked; (hall t fuddenly be deflroyed, and cannot be cared? O fear and tremble ye that harden your necks again the reproofs :of the Almightie: his word bindeth over your confciences to Chriftsbarre. Doth the word fay, Whoremongers and adulterers God will judge? If thou beeft fuch an one, thy confcienee is bound with this word, and it Will apply it to the foul before the tribunal -feat of Chrift. Doth the word crie out againft any of thy courfes ? thy confciecce is bound as with chains, and it is not all thy vain hopes and exudes can loofe thee. Again, this is comfort to the godly : Gods word is the fiipreme binder ofconfcience. O ye bleffed of the Lord, the word of God tieth fuch a fait knot to your comforts that all hell cannot open it with their teeth : The word of the Lord Jefus is with you, who loath the key of David, that openeth and no mar; fhutteth, and fhutteth and no man ope. neth. Yea, but fayeft thou, My Panes are againi me : W hat then ? mark what the word faith, We have an Advocate with the Father : Thy confèience is bound to believe that. Tea, but have a very naughtie heart, and J cannot tell what to do with it : Mark what the word faith ; lelieve in the Lord Jefas, and thou (halt be Paved : This bindeth thy confcience. But I Dda.9 a4. offend dayly : Mark (till what the word faith; Chrifl. bring - eth in everla¡ling righteoufneffe. If thou beell unworthy to day