154 i B treati fe of £'enfcience, 1. Conclufion. 1. Magifirates have power to command us. Let every foul be fob jell to the higker powers : fer there is no power but on God; and the powers that be are ordained of God, Rom. 13. 1. That chapter doth moll clearly prove this conclufion unto us. Out of the firft part of the chapter we learn, r . That Magi - flrates have power and authority to make laws, and to eflablifh orders among men ; and therefore they are called powers : z. We learn that there laws of Magiflrates receive flrength and force from the law of God : For the powers that be are ordai- ned of God, faith the text. 3. Thofe laws made by the Magi - ftrate and confirmed by God have power to bind confcience, verf. S. wherefore we muff be JubjeEl not only becaufe of wrath but alfo for confcience fake. And the violating of them is finne. When their authority is confirmed by God, we cannot refill' tkem but we refill the ordinance of God, faith the Apoflle : nay, we may pull condemnation upen us if we do ; They that refill' pall receive to themfelves condemnation, nett'. 2. So that this firft conclufion telleth us what laws of men are to be obeyed ; viz,. 1. Such as do virtually flow from Gods word, though not expreffely commanded in it ; z. Such as.are good and wholefome and profitable for the common- wealth : Thefe though they are not particularly commanded in Gods, word, yet are they by virtue of it injoyned : and therefore to negle& them and be difobedient unto them, is to negle& and be dif- obedient to God. Again, fo farce onely are they to be obeyed (fo farre onely, J fay) as they virtually do flow from Gods 'Word :for fò farre onely they receive force from Gods law. This is the firft conclufion,. a. Concluien. 2. The commandnsents of Magiflrates and thofe that are in authoritie lofe their power of binding the confcience in foure cafes : i, When